An implementation of the Command Pattern for Ruby with ActiveModel::Validations inspired by the interactor gem.
Rich support for attributes, callbacks,...
It provides functionality for actibe_jobs being triggered recurrently.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
ActiveJobCronScheduler provides a clean DSL for defining recurring jobs in Rails applications, leveraging ActiveJob for seamless integration.
ActiveJob Adapter for Google Cloud Tasks
Uses ActionCable to alert front-end users of ActiveJobs' status
Create, Read, Update and Delete your JIRA issues from the command line
Provide OOP Interfaces for ruby
Simple use case interactor for Rails apps based on ActiveModel
This gem allows the tracking of ActiveInteractions interactions.
Basic AB testing gem
Vkontakte authorization for authlogic with ruby 1.9 and rails 3.0
Gemified version of Carlton O'Riley's Aastra XML Ruby Port
Fetches accounts and their transaction details from the Yodlee MoneyCenter (
Automatically generate diagrams of AASM state machines.
Ever wanted an aasm event with an extra bang? Well ... now you can!
ActiveFedora persistence adaptor for AASM
Generate UML-style state charts from AASM state machines
Progress indicators for linear AASM workflows
Generate Mermaid diagrams from AASM state machines
Rails extension to render appropriate workflow actions
AASM is a continuation of the acts-as-state-machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects.
Ruby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
Send Growl notifications via Ruby.