Groonga provides both of full text search and column store
features. ActiveGroonga + Groonga can be used as an
Using the ActiveGrid gem consists of a few steps:
Ruby client for GraphQL services
A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.
Wraps GitHub's Gist API with a class implementing the ActiveModel modules. So, it should be pretty familiar to anyone who's...
Provides core functionality, plugins and ruby-next integration for ActiveFunction
Enable to use the concept of form objects with ActiveModel
Forms with ActiveModel-like validations
Ruby gem for pulling forcast information from weather.gov
Activeforce provides a simple to use and extend interface to Salesforce using the REST API
A file system ORM based on ActiveRecord. Objects are files, relations are folders.
Gem which makes filling data for Gruff graphs based on ActiveRecord objects much easier.
DB and GIT synchronization via ActiveRecord and GitWrapper
active_gfx shows the graphics card currently in use by you macOS system
Extend the base rails generators with commonly used generators.
Active Forms API wrapper
Clean up your controller, slim up your models, handle more use cases
Based on inheritance
ActiveForm provides a DSL for defining complete XHTML forms with validation.
Use SalesForce as an ActiveModel
Relational mapping for fact models. Part of the ActiveFacts suite.
Example models in the Constellation Query Language for use with ActiveFacts