ActiveDryDeps not modify constructor and support Dependency Injection for modules.
A framework that allows to write a domain server, that processes commands and creates events.
You should...
Active Documentum
Schemaless models in Berkeley DB.
OpenCypher Adapter ala ActiveRecord
ActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active Directory data store. This is a fork...
ActiveDiigo is a wrapper for Diigo API(version: v2).
Device UserAgent Detector
Description of ActiveDenormalize.
Stores and retrieves delegatable data through attributes on an ActiveRecord class, with support for translatable attributes.
A toolkit for decorating GraphQL field objects using ActiveDecorator.
Enable active_decorator to automatically decorate associated models
ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for the Google Cloud Datastore.
Utilizing ActiveRecord migrations to enable data migrations independently from schema migrations.
Making object from any hash or hash array
Efficiently iterate through massive collections in your database.
Store your currency.
Tools to compare ActiveRecord entries with Cucumber tables
Steroid command pattern.
An extremely flexible configuration system.
s the ability for certain values to be "overridden" when conditions are met.
r example,...
ActiveCommand adds the ability to use the command pattern commonly seen in CQRS.
A View-Component framework for Rails applications.