Easy to use general purpose settings backend for activeadmin
ActiveAdmin CMS extension
With ActiveAdmin-Select2 you are able to chose Select2 as a drop-down entry option in Forms and Filters
Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.
A simple filter input for active admin with checking at client if input match predefined regex.
Provides ability to use form object in your ActiveAdmin application
A Refinery CMS and activeadmin connector
Redactor WYSIWYG Editor Integration for ActiveAdmin resources.
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
An Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views
Sidekiq Stats In ActiveAdmin Dashboard
UI interface for rails-settings-cached in active admin
An Active Admin plugin to use Selectize.js (jQuery required)
Add drag and drop reordering to ActiveAdmin tables.
skin for active admin.
Active Admin component to display Sidekiq statistics.
This gem provide the ability to create ActiveAdmin resourceswith 1 line and avoid code duplication.
Role based authorization with CanCanCan for Active Admin
Provides a few more filter options to ActiveAdmin allowing you to easily traverse relationships or filter on a HABTM