awesome_gem is the best
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Outputs keys used in the FlagShihTzu setup. Can be filtered by column for models with multiple flag columns.
AwesomeErrors is a simply way to add errors to your Ruby objects and classes.
Rails Engines with automagic extensions.
The AwesomeBotFactory lets you generate lovely bots for your campfire rooms. This gem brings a simple skeleton to build your...
annotate your code with comments (e.g. model schema, routes, etc.)
randomly generate an animal with an adjective!
This is a namespace for my summer 2010 project.
The 'awesm' gem is an interface for (, a social link analytics tracking service. This gem is in no...
Ather cli tool
Just a few useful extensions
Ruby interface to AWeber's API
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Unofficial domain specific ruby wrapper for the AWS SDK Data Pipeline API.