AuxiliaryRails is a collection of classes, configs, scripts,
generators for Ruby on Rails helping you get things done, better.
Flapjack is highly scalable and distributed monitoring system. It understands the Nagios plugin format, and can easily be scaled from...
aUX gem
ActiveRecord plugin for easily managing lots of enumeration-type data
Supplementary tools for more effective development
I couldn't find an easy and convinient way to attach maps to DOM elements with leaflet. So I wrote this...
a threadsafe non-blocking asynchronous configurable logger for Ruby.
Set of commands to AUTOmate Way Of Working
Automatically adjusts the width of the object *input* to the width of the content.
automatic playback of web requests for testing
Automate the Internet. baidu music downloader
Provides some autotest-like behavior for watchr (http://github.com/mynyml/watchr).
Automatic view models
displays autotest/autospec progress on tmux status-right.
Autotest, without ZenTest
Autotest plugin to enable spec-style test filenames.
This makes more easy to see autotest messages using Net::Snarl