automated image processing for url versioning in the erickson living corporation
Automatically create mailer previews for your mailers.
AutoPresenter uses convention over configuration to remove the bolierplate code to use presenters in your rails app
A gem to run nested preloads/includes from string.
convert your stackoverflow to a github blog
A fork of "automodel" with the proper dependencies for use with SQL Server.
Expose all tables and relations in a database as AR models ready for use.
Auto-generate mock_data of JSON API response from your request-specs.
A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile
A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile trip
Add developer-friendly observability to your Ruby code with minimal setup
A complete Ruby client for the Piwik API
Creates a Growl notification with a custom title and body.
A wrapper to MaxMind's GeoIP services, that can work with both free and paid versions.
Also provides geo-location methods to...