A framework for building automation.
Ruby API for interacting with Chef Automate
Validate your ActiveAdmin resources through dry-validation
Adds 2 functionalities to the file input. Image preview and a size hint, that indicates the sizes generated with paperclip.
This gem uses JQuery to create expandable input boxes on activeadmin
Active admin sortable add on
Decorate Rails models in ActiveAdmin. With `ActiveAdmin::ArbreDecorator` you can keep your show/index blocks in AA clean and use Arbre DSL...
A dark color scheme for ActiveAdmin Ruby CMS. This gem provides Sass files that you can include via Sprockets.
Active Admin component to display elastic statistics.
Allow user duplication of ActiveAdmin resources using the power of the Amoeba
gem. Resource duplication can be performed by either...
Flat design skin for active admin.
Smooth the Active Admin interface
An ActiveAdmin plugin that provides tags on the admin panel to indicate which environment your rails project is running in
Change ActiveAdmin page style by environment
Rich text editor for Active Admin using wysihtml5.
View all, running, failed, and queued jobs. Retry failed jobs.
Integrate useful fast links to set date ranges in to ActiveAdmin, for example today range, week range, month range
Automatically log events like executed lines, methods, class and module definitions, C-language routines, and/or raises in Ruby.
Autoload Ruby classes or modules by inferring the file path from the name
Crawl a directory at a time, adding files via Kernel#autoload
If you like the ‘Module#autoload’ feature of the Ruby Core library, you may have wished for Autoloaded. It eliminates the...