Autobench is a ruby based web page benchmarking tool, wrapping other popular utiliies. Namely: httperf, yslow.js and phantomas.
Enterprise Ruby on Rails
Automatically download scene .nfo and .nzb files
Override Ruby's method_missing? to dynamically add attr_accessible
Automatic task assignment based on task priority,employee skill_level and employee workload
Automatically parses command-line arguments
Testing Description
gem for automatically placing bids on auction sites
Auto assign model resource and collection from controller
ActionView helper method for initialize awesomplete elements
Gem provide scripts and helpers for initialize different awesomplete elements:
static and ajax. Moreover this gem is foundation...
Autoload constants in natural subfolders from the original class in Ruby with a single line of code.
Simple gem that allows you to automatically spec your controllers authentication checks.
Simple authentication templates ready to be customized.
Auto attribute initialization.
remove before_action each controller
A gem that makes ActiveRecord subclasses on the fly
AutoApi generates a RESTful API on the fly. If you call gets on items that do not exist, you get...
Automatically annotate your Rails models whenever you run a db:migrate