Description of RailsStatusCheck.
You can use native PostgreSQL query with named bindings
Easy to work with mysql from ruby and rails
Watch for a method call in any class and run before/after callbacks.
You can even watch your Rails...
The "easy-peasy" dynamic sorting pattern for ActiveRecord that your Rails apps deserve.
ActiveSMS backend for service
ActiveSMS backend for using amazon web services sms delivery
active_admin skin
Find similar Active Record models through most common associations.
RUBY ABO banking format library
Ruby A/B testing
Less shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
A Ruby library for implementing parsers specified with Augmented Backus Naur Form (ABNF).
abnf-parser allows you to compile ABNF (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) into rule lists that can be used to efficiently parse text...
An Augmented Backus Naur form parser in Ruby.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
Shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
Rails validator for Australian Business Numbers
A simple ABN search library for validating and obtaining ABN details from the Australian Business Register.
Abn Lookup.
a (very) small library for working with Australian Business Numbers.
Shared component library and design system for Ably Real-time Ltd (
A Ruby REST only client library for realtime messaging
A Ruby client library for realtime messaging