wallet hd pro wallet_hd_pro # A Flutter package project , it is use for HD wallet...
sirioperationrobert sirioperationrobert # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
simple text view simple_text_view # A new Flutter project. My Test Lib # simple_test_view...
yuxiaozhu blue clock flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
flutter shogi board flutter_shogi_board # A shogi board widget for Flutter. This widget can be used...
flutter icons aw flutter_icons_aw # Flutter package copy from (C)flutter-studio/flutter-icons Add null safety. Please...
approov discovery Approov Discovery # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
ads flutter ads_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
freewig freewig # Freewig can be used to extract the meta data and media files from...
checkotp checkotp # Allows users of the Droptxt SMS service in Sri Lanka to run OTP...
super logging Super Logging # This package lets you easily log to:
pokedex search Pokedex Search # Package to introduce all 151 pokemons of the first generation....
time picker plus Time Picker Plus # Features # 2 new modes dialOnly...
raised widgets raised_widgets # Flutter package to add raised/heighted Widgets, an alternative to shadowed cards...
dart lol dart_lol, the one good league of legends plugin for flutter # A German package...
animation slide Makes an interesting splash effect when tapping its child widget. Getting Started #...
kmodal listview kmodal_listview # ListView which can pull-to-refresh and proceed load-more. Benefit you feel free to...
dart jikan Dart wrapper for Jikan MAL api. Well documented and highly tested.
asis ASIS # A small utility library to handle JSON encoded http responses easily, transforms the...
qrcode descriptor qrcode_descriptor # 二维码内容识别 Getting Started # to use # QrcodeDescriptor.recognition("https://xxxxxxx").then((result) {
flutter flagr Flagr Client SDK for Flutter # This is an unofficial Flagr Client SDK for...
stealth id stealth_id # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter translate plugin flutter_translate_plugin # flutter 百度翻译插件 Getting Started # This project is a...
dfiles About DFiles # DFiles is a delete files utility written by dart language - supported...
dart myip dart_myip # A simple library for client ip geolocation. Info # This...
super strapi A Strapi library for Dart developers should be used with package simple_strapi. with this package...
custom route transition anftech Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas....
ptg ripple effect ptg_ripple_effect # This package is easy to use the ripple effect. Getting...
uuid mpesa A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a...
bmkg gempa bmkg_gempa # Dart client library untuk mendapat data gempabumi dari...
flutter firecache flutter_firecache # Flutter implementation of https://github.com/benwinding/firecache Getting Started # This project is...
interactive print Dart-interactive_print # A Dart library to simulate print() without adding a trailing newline for...
search box search_box # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
turan stepper turan_stepper # Turan Stepper a simple stepper for flutter Getting Started #...
fanatic package #fanatic_package This is a test package.
flutter canpass login flutter_canpass_login # A Flutter package that enhance CANPass login sdk Features: login...
adhoc plugin Ad Hoc Library (adhoc_plugin) # Flutter plugin that handles ad hoc network...
dsr button dsr_button # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter commons flutter_commons #
tezster dart tezster_dart # A library for building...
path to regexp port path_to_regexp_port # This is a quick and dirty port of Blake Embrey's...
typohello typohello # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
auto config A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/
flutter iban scanner Flutter IBAN Scanner # A package for scanning IBANs (international bank...
lokalise cmd lokalise_cmd # A tool to download translation bundles...
wowpay flutter Flutter Standard SDK Prerequisites Create a Wowpay Account. Generate API Keys in...
sql utilities sql_utilities is a library of helpers for manipulating/generating sql strings. Usage # var...
dialog2 Dialog.dart # Modern modal dialog implementation containing remakes of alert & confirm dialogs supplemented by...
tectonic location Flutter Location Plugin # This plugin for Flutter handles...
boppo auth boppo_auth # A new flutter authentication plugin.
fb audience network ad flutter_plugin_audience_network_ad # Plugin to integrate Facebook Native Ad to Flutter application...
ez flutter common ez_flutter_common # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
baato navigation navigationbaato # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter direct flutter_direct # Flutter Direct is a Design System for Home Credit Indonesia Tippers App.
nativepaypal nativepaypal # native integrate make for me Getting Started # This project is...
asyncflowcontroller asyncflowcontroller # Make your async tasks easy to control How to use? #...
frame widget frame_widget # The TextWidget Or ImageWidget With Margin. Usage # ...
flyshot sdk Flyshot SDK # Plugin to integrate Flyshot SDK to flutter project. This plugin...
vtparse A library for generating a stream of virtual terminal events from a byte stream. Usage...
bulksmszw bulksmszw # A flutter or dart plugin for developers to use the bulksmsweb api services
crawlink crawlink # A simple routing library for flutter apps based on Navigator 2.0 Getting...
stock sentiment stock_sentiment # A package to get stock sentiment from headlines. Getting Started #
juno direct checkout DirectCheckout juno_direct_checkout # Esse plugin é a implementação para flutter dos projetos nativos:
ibip39 ibip39 # Dart implementation of Bitcoin ibip39: Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys Convert...
random sanskrit Prahelika from sanskrit bharati pravesha book Entered by Ashish Mahabal Other parts to...
itwo flutter widgets itwo_flutter_widgets # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
chemistry Chemistry # If you intend to use this package with Flutter you should also take...
ocg payment ocg_payment # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
ocg socket ocg_socket # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
dmc threads annotation dmc threads # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
ocg social login Getting Started # Flutter Fire Auth Important # Add Facebook credentials...
dmc threads generator dmc threads # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
vcr2 vcr2 # A package to mock requests using Dio Client, supports nullsafety. Forked from...
dmc threads dmc threads # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
to yaml Simple package to generate yaml from Map. Example: import 'package:to_yaml/to_yaml.dart';...
bloc rest api Bloc REST API #
spyder Spyder Application # Spyder provides fast encryption and decryption techniques to conceal sensitive text data...
remote form remote_form # Flutter widget to manage a form from a JSON definition Usage...
recursion iterator recursion_iterator # A new Flutter package, iterate a iterator and sub iterator. Usage...
slider popup slider_popup # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
rwa mix wig rwa_mix_wig # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
tfmodel tfmodel # A Flutter package helps to show transfer functions properly. It also includes a...
cognite cdf sdk cognite_cdf_sdk # Maintainer: Greger Wedel, https://github.com/gregertw A Dart package with a simple...
bootpay platform interface bootpay_platform_interface # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
flutplug flutplug # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
quotable quotable-dart # A simple API Wrapper for https://github.com/lukePeavey/quotable Usage # import 'package:quotable/quotable.dart';...
flutter barcode scanner test flutter_barcode_scanner # A plugin for Flutter apps that adds barcode scanning support...
bloc ext bloc_ext # An extension package for bloc Cubit. CubitEx introducd some cool features for...
shogi shogi # A simple shogi engine for Dart and Flutter. This engine can be combined...
custom route transition ra Route Transitions # This package manages navigation and animations between pages....
flutter chemistry Flutter Chemistry # You should also take a look at the chemistry package....
flutter file adapter flutter_file_adapter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
plain cache plain_cache # Persistent cache library for Dart(Flutter for iOS and Android)....
analog clock for flutter analog_clock_for_flutter # Beautiful flutter analog clocks. Swipe to change the clock design
sdk flutter [toc] 推啊Flutter-SDK对接文档 # 1 准备 # 1.1 合作方媒体在 推啊媒体平台 注册账号 #...
essential components en-US # essential_components # A library to simplify the life of web application...
custom route transition pcc Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
noojee campaigner cli Provide a number of executables that interact with the Noojee api. You need...
package channel package_channel # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
idena lib dart idena_lib_dart # Idena dart library for Flutter based on Official Idena Backoffice...