vm alert package demo vm_alert_package_demo # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
jsc jsc # Pre-built JavaScriptCore binary. https://github.com/openkraken/jsc/releases
flutter snow base Flutter Snow Base! 🧰 # ...
stats animation Stats Animation # Display yours stats with animation. You can use this package on...
mvvm builder mvvm_builder # mvvm_builder is a Flutter plugin to help you implement MVVM design pattern...
package custom route transitions package_custom_route_transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas entre pantallas.
flair Flair # A 3D game engine for Flutter.
obj edit widgets obj_edit_widgets # widgets that support widget code generation via the obj_edit_gen package.
custom route transition jj t route transitions # Hola prueba paquete Ejemplo de uso #
pa dialog utils pa_dialog_utils # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
fluttertckimliknvigovtr fluttertckimliknvigovtr # Flutter için geliştirilmiş bir TC no doğrulama paketidir. - Örnek Kullanım #
swagger dart code generator solve generic 📣 Build dart types from Swagger/OpenAPI schemas # ...
do progress bar do_progress_bar # This package helps to generate a simple progress bar with color...
asynji sdk A sdk for asynji server. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
zpj flutter 1 zpj_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
api dartdoku api_dartdoku # Running the Application Locally # Run conduit serve from this directory...
eventizer Eventizer # Eventizer will help you in decoupling of your ui code and logic code....
dara ably dara_ably # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
paybox paybox # A new Flutter plugin. 集成 # Android支付宝 # 1.由于alipay sdk使用的本地依赖,而且近期的gradle版本不推荐将android...
get command get_command # This library helps providing feedback to the user while executing...
input type field input_type_field # A multi platform input type. With current keyboard type parameter...
ll flutter demo ll_flutter_demo # This is flutter package plugin wrapping Livelile's engagement suite sdk for...
wechat plumzhang wechat_plumzhang # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
refazynist Refazynist is a Refreshable, Lazy and Animated List # It is exactly what you are...
hsi flutter html textview render flutter_html_text_view # Flutter package for rendering html tags as a TextView;...
fas ui flutter fas_ui_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
mysql5 client mysql_client # A mysql5.x library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple...
protondart protondart # A library for EOS Node API It talks to the...
proton archive archive # Overview # A Dart library to encode and decode...
dart psr dart-psr # dart-psr is used to generate a Proton signing request (PSR) for a...
pkg # Enhanced pub package commands. Add...
swagger to flutter 📣 Build dart types from Swagger/OpenAPI schemas #
holla mate holla_mate # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
td sip view td_sip_view # A Flutter plugin about td_sip_plugin display view. Usage #...
scrollview manager scrollview_manager # It mainly manages the viewable state of the ScrollView. By using...
khinsider sdk Khinsider SDK # An SDK to get video game music files from...
matrix input matrix_input # A package that leverages on the power of flutter widgets to display...
foloosi flutter payment Foloosi Payment # A Flutter plugin for making payments via Foloosi...
picker whell picker_whell #
rwa add banner information_card # information card Getting Started # This project is a...
disposable utils disposable # Provides a one abstract mechanism for releasing resources and utils for Dart...
vader di vader_di # A simple, flexible and platform agnostic Dependency Injection library with convenient syntax.
vader flutter vader_flutter # A Flutter implementation of the Vader package Getting Started #...
flutter web widget flutter_web_widget # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
map chart jp map_chart_jp # A map chart of Japan. Getting Started # You...
ipld ipfs_fractal # IPFS API to use with flutter Getting Started # This project...
origami blockchain
e notification platform pushy Easy To Use Notification # How To Use # Android #
musiccard musiccard # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
mqchat mqchat # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter video cut flutter_video_cut # 视频操作控制 # Getting Started #
flutter okta signin plugin flutter_okta_signin_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
flutter heap io flutter_heap_io # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
obj edit annotation obj_edit_annotation # Classes and helper functions that support widget code generation via the
obj edit gen obj_edit_gen # Automatically generate code for converting to widget by annotating Dart classes
smartbok smartbok # Dart Annotation Processor for reducing boilerplate code. Heavily inspired by https://projectlombok.org/...
versionapps versionapps # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter easybus flutter_easybus # flutter 订阅通信总线 Getting Started # This project is a starting...
addresspicker packages AddressPicker # Addresspicker can make you more easily for choosing an address. It has...
flutter jockey flutter_jockey # webView通信框架 Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
kunpeng kunpeng # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
ali iot plugin ali_iot_plugin # 阿里飞燕平台 (生活物联网平台) Flutter plugin. 基于阿里生活物联网平台的Android和iOS架包实现的Flutter插件,方便开发自有APP ...
dropdownss dropdownss # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
myprojectlearning myprojectlearning # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
android environment sensors AndroidEnvironmentSensorsPlugin # Environmental sensor plugin for flutter Android only supported sensor
tplayer plugin tplayer_plugin # A Flutter plugin to open TPlayer. Getting Started # void...
heap io analytics heap_io_analytics # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
app responsive app_responsive 是基于google provider的响应式框架,本框架主要目的是更简化更方便的处理UI与controller(逻辑)之间的关系。 为什么要造轮子 # 我们先来看看provider有哪些问题或者有哪些不方便的地方: 代码量偏多。在使用prodiver时,布局中需要包含Prodiver widget、Consumer,以及颗粒度更细的Selector。它们不仅使页面布局显得很臃肿,而且基本上每个页面都要重复的写这些代码。这在日常的开发中,很不方便。 prodiver...
flat tree flat_tree # Flat widget tree Purpose # Usually Flutter widgets tree code...
anguo flutter_plugin_anguo # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
base models Library for havign base errors, models and constants. Using # For use errors
base domain Library for manage general use cases. Using # For use use cases...
base data Library for manage general repositories. Using # For use repositories with api implementations
base flutter app Flutter plugin for manage your app with basic and general functionalities. Using #
custom multi images picker custom_multi_image_picker # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
flutterui core FlutterUI # FlutterUI is a collection of declarative widgets to make your Flutter code...
flutter exceptions redux flutter_exceptions_redux # Provides redux components to catch exceptions thrown in other middleware, storing...
flutter pages redux flutter_pages_redux # Provides redux components to navigate flutter pages from within redux middleware.
legal device Legal Device # A Flutter plugin for detecting the legality of the device(Jailbroken, root,...
x flutter X Flutter # 이 플러터 패키지는 오픈소스 백엔드인 Matrix 의 기능을 활용할 수 있도록...
flutter empty illustration flutter_empty_illustration # Empty Screens, No Data Found, No Internet Connection Screen for Flutter
simple property observer simple_property_observer # A simple Dart package for observing property changes. Also known...
simple property observer builder simple_property_observer_builder # Dart package for auto generating a property observable class....
selectdropdown selectdropdown # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
package test1 package_test1 # A flutter package for testing purpose only Getting Started #...
flutter kushki flutter_kushki # Kushki frontend payment gateway integration for Flutter Installing #
abrar work shortcuts abrar_work_shortcuts # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
placeholder text placeholder_text # Placeholder widget with text in the center
github login github_login # Plugin for github login Getting Started # Import the plugin
pdfdownloader pdfdownloader # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
custom route transition ml Route Transiotions ML # This package helps manage the screen transitions beetween...
traccar seelight traccar_seelight # Maintained by Seelight. Getting Started # This project is a...
flutter sharetrace 产品介绍 # ShareTrace 专注于提供APP推广的技术解决方案。携带参数安装APP,精准追踪APP安装来源,实现免填邀请码、区分推广渠道等常见的APP推广场景。以低成本让APP推广更高效。 Flutter插件使用方法 # 1、初始化 appKey:官方平台申请的appKey...
bravia bravia package # This package provides a class and methods for monitoring state of and...
discoveryapis generator Dart application to generate Dart API Client Libraries based on discovery documents. Usage...
flutter app upgrader flutter 应用升级插件 升级功能说明: 应用程序升级是 App 的基础功能之一,下面介绍应用程序升级的方式: 从平台方面来说: IOS:跳转到 app store...
http code util http_code_util # Http code util is a simple dart plugin that abstracts http...
short video plugin short_video_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # 暂时只有iOS可用...
fluwx no pay rz Fluwx # # 中文请移步此处 What's Fluwx...
linkedin login 01 linkedin_login_01 # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # Just create...