polyline decoded kur polyline.dart # Polyline encoding is a lossy compression algorithm that allows you to
idpay payment package idpay_payment_package # A package for making payment with id...
rwa camera rwa_camera # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
zh scan zh_scan # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
palio lite palio_lite # A Flutter plugin to access Palio Feature To learn more about...
flutter plugin calendar flutter_plugin_calendar # flutter自定义日历组件,视图提供仅月/周显示、月/周可切换视图(可默认月/周显示).以及可默认选中日期,支持图标、颜色等自定义等 Getting Started # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入...
navigationbaato navigationbaato # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter blurhash loader Flutter BlurHash Loader # Thanks to original creators of BlurHash We have...
composable timer composable_timer # Composable function timer that uses Kleisli composition Motivation # Pretty...
dexcom flutter dexcom_flutter # A Flutter package to make your life easier when dealing...
top alert notification top_alert_notification # Welcome to the top alert notification widget # Flutter snackbars...
unite unite # A new Flutter package,waiting for perfection. Getting Started # This project...
qonvex responsive ui Qonvex Responsive UI # A Flutter package made to ease and lessen time...
http repository http_repository # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
realtime whiteboard realtime_whiteboard # Realtime whiteboard Package
plugng PlugNG - plugin system, done for Dart # DISCLAIMER: this library is neither...
lipa na mpesa online lipa_na_mpesa_online # A dart wrapper around mpesa daraja api from safaricom sandbox...
pf dart http Problem Fighter Dart HTTP Request Library # Simple Print Method # void...
iotpaycreditcard iotpaycreditcard # a sdk called in merchant app to collect consumer's credit/debit card information...
tteam core template tteam_core_template # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
bg location bg_location # Background location tracking using Significant-Change Location Service (iOS Only)
tw login flutter_twitter_login # A Flutter plugin for using the...
afgdatepicker 📆 A persian (Afghanistani,shamsi) datetime picker for flutter # Usage # Add it to...
button selector button_selector # Custom and flexible button tap selector. Getting Started # This...
vigil reporter Dart Vigil Reporter # Vigil Reporter...
gh trend GitHub trending scraper for dart and flutter.
flutter zoewebview # flutter_zoewebview A toolkit to implement multi webview.
page abler page_abler # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
likepoint payment likepoint_payment # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
dartsult dartsult dartsult is a library for developers who want to handle...
gods eye What is God’s Eye ? # God’s Eye is used to collect data from...
niralakam widget niralakam_widget # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
wasmjsgen Binding generator for Wasmjs flavor of FFI bindings. Note: wasmjsgen only supports parsing...
apm test apm # A new flutter plugin project. TODO Getting Started # TODO
sodium web sodium_web # A new flutter plugin project for libsodium support on flutter web with...
robotserver RobotServer # A dart module providing the robot framework remote library interface....
agecheck Age Check # A dirt simple way to validate users and stay compliant worldwide....
qu qr code scanner QUQRCodeScanner # 二维码扫码控件 可以从相册选择二维码照片进行扫描 支持计划 #
schnorr dart-schnorr # Package schnorr implements the Schnorr signature, which is a digital signature produced...
impact impact # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
moduler route Moduler route # Moduler route is a powerful route manager that works in a...
bloglytics bloglytics # A tool for quickly analysing how much time users are spending on each...
google maps pro google_maps_pro # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
dimension ratios TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flutter monthly calendar Flutter Monthly Calendar # A customizable montly calendar. Interactive examples #...
imgui dart imgui_dart # ImGui bindings for Dart language. Majority of the code is autogenerated then...
flutter tetris flutter_tetris # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
essential ui kit essential_ui_kit # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
touch lock Touch Lock # A beautiful widget that can be presented to the end user...
curve cut text Text widget with a curve line at the middle for decoration Features #
dart arango min Minimalistic ArangoDB driver for Dart # See EXAMPLE tab for example of code...
forme cupertino fields forme_cupertino_fields # cupertino fields for forme screenshot # currently...
markdowneditor markdowneditor # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
mightyid notification mightyid_notification # A plugin of notification for MightyId project Getting Started #...
nobitex Nobitex Market Dart API # ...
flutter step container flutter_step_container # Stepper for Form or Introduce and so on Installing #
map stream An implementation of the Dart Map object, adding functionality to listen to streams of entry...
test publish test_publish # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
lofelt 📳 Lofelt # 🔗 Official Lofelt website 🔗 Lofelt SDK Repository...
pindo Pindo-Dart # A wrapper for...
password helper Password-Helper # Password Scorer and Generator Utility
lyrics lyrics # Usage # Simple Example # final String artistName = "ADF Samski";
slikker kit Slikker Kit # Slikker Kit is a Flutter package which provides Slikker Design System...
design raptor design_raptor # It is powerfull, easy for flutter/dart project to design screens. It Support...
namebase By Sonr, creators of The Sonr App Namebase is a very...
state x StateX # O StateX tem como fundamento principal a padronização da gerência de estado...
getbloc test A Dart package that makes testing controllers easy. Built to work with getbloc.
area exam area # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
district picker turkey map district_picker_turkey_map # A flutter package for select a province of Turkish cities...
flutter tx record flutter_tx_record # 腾讯短视频 腾讯短视频录制和从相册选择视频上传到腾讯服务器,目前只支持Android版本 Getting Started # 要比较修改一下文件 example...
flutter multiple library flutter_multiple_library # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
all except all_except # A package that add the ability to use a new method (allExcept)...
smart textbar TextFields are a very essential and at the same time a very basic part of...
charlyge logger emoji_logger # A simple package that uses emoji to log print. Getting Started...
personal lisancer Personal Lisancer # 🎯 Dart package to automatically add lisance detail to your dart...
dartvolt Work in progress Revolt wrapper in Dart. I should also note that I'm new to...
cwflutter cwflutter # Note: ConfigWise SDK flutter plugin is only supported by mobile devices with A9...
gammal tech gammal_tech # A companion package to the Gammal Tech courses.
github ssh keygen A command line application to generate SSH keys for github.
first plugin jp first_plugin_jp # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
dart fm synth A Dart wrapper for the libfmsynth library. Usage # A simple usage...
streaming state A simple, yet powerful global state library for flutter projects. Uses MapStreams from [package:map_stream]...
queen env Queen Env # Part of Queen Packages 👑 # Motivation #
sip ua dev dart-sip-ua # A dart-lang version of the SIP UA stack, ported...
custom dropdown view custom_dropdown_view #
db test coverage db_test_coverage # test coverage tool for dart, flutter. Overview # A...
coopbank pesalink This package contains methods that make it easy to consume Co-op Bank Pesalink Api. It's...
qu form qu_form # A form package project. 安装 # dependencies: qu_form...
dev to dev Dev To Dev Plugin # This plugin allows you to connect DevToDev to...
data dome plugin DataDome plugin for Flutter # Flutter has it's own network implementation,...
flutter apm test flutter_apm # A new flutter plugin project. TODO Getting Started #...
temperature converter temperature_converter # A plugin for converting temperatures into different types. Getting Started #
carve Carve # This package aims to provide easy support to generate Flutter pages or widgets...
freemework cancellation Freemework # Usage # import 'package:freemework_cancellation/freemework_cancellation.dart';...
flutter newebview WebView for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget.
flutter neat and clean calendar tooba flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar_tooba # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started...
big head softwares big_head_softwares # This package helps you to write code faster and be more...
friendly timezone friendly_timezone # A friendlier way to show timezones. Based on Ruby on rails TimeZone...
dashlog DASHLOG # Command line tool for generating a changelog from git tags and semantic commit...
data builder Data builder is used to create an immutable data class with data_annotation. Usage #