bloc chain Dispatch your bloc events globally instead of having to target specific blocs. About #
zaakpay TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
wallman A Dart library for linux platforms to get and set backgrounds, which supports multiple desktop environments...
circular container Returns a Circular shaped Container with passing height and width Pass your height width...
gradie TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
push notification pedro duarte Este plugin tem a finalidade dar notificações com redirecionadmento para o app
material rounded button material_rounded_button # material_rounded_button Material rounded button helps you to quickly create rounded button...
weather fetch openweather #
opensight analytics Opensight for Flutter # Quickstart # Move the generated config file...
etsx Trying to start developing etsx .
easyboot Trying to start developing easyboot .
ajanuw http A http interceptor in dart # Install # dependencies: ajanuw_http: copied...
dashchain dashchain # A Dart library to work with some crypto exchanges (for now...
with loader With Loader # A Flutter package that provides loading functionality to a widget. Just...
sensorial Sensorial # Provides sensor manipulation utilities for Flutter.
simple validations This has some simple extensions for basic validations for Strings, Strings as Dates, Email Address,...
flutter env override flutter_env_override #
webview jsbridge x webview_jsbridge_x # 中文文档 A flutter jsbridge package compatible with webview_flutter, no native...
flat ui flat_ui # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
mxh tools TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
dio api version interceptor Installation # dependencies: dio_api_version_interceptor: [version] copied to clipboard Usage...
password dumb Password Dumb # A simple (but correct) Dart class to check if password is...
gamaframework TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
icon stack Flutter widget for displaying stacked icons. Usage # import 'package:icon_stack/icon_stack.dart';...
supabase repository Supabase Database Adapter for Dart # Use this database adapter for supabase...
notification incoming call notification_incoming_call # A Flutter plugin to show incoming call notification in your Flutter...
sap sap # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
singel page route singel_page_route # A singel page route, this help you to manage all your...
flutter cresenity flutter-cresenity # flutter pub get
grid list TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
listen call listen_call # support background listen call phone event in android Permission ///...
desktop docker TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
assistive plugin assistive_plugin # A flutter plugin to get permission for assessibility Getting Started #
generic text field states Generic text field states for use with creating a single text field widget...
flutter native mirror flutter_native_mirror # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
firestore helper methods These helpers wil help out significantly. Base Firestore methods are available. Methods include:
quran widget flutter Getting Started Example import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:quran_widget_flutter/src/quran_widget.dart'; void main() =>...
customizable linear circular indicators A package to create and customize linear & circle indicator easily. Features...
edahapi EDAHApi # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
hs custom bar hs_custom_bar # "hs_custom_bar" is a custom widget that implements a thermometer...
direction2 TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
size detector widget TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
datalib Datalib is a dart package for data science and statistics calculations. usage: first of...
dogapi Dog API # Dog API client for Dart. Download # Pub
flutter facebook plugin flutter_facebook_plugin # Dart package: Flutter Facebook to Login and Sharing dialogs
beer color converter Beer Color Converter # Dart package that converts SRM beer values to real...
mxh location mxh_location # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
kinfolk kinfolk # A new Flutter package for integration with CUBA Platform based backend.
pubuno A simple command-line application.
appdos A simple command-line application.
apptres A simple command-line application.
flutter demo pkg TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
thor text pkg Thor Text Packages # It is just simple text package return custom text.
thor container pkg Features # Getting started #
cockpit client Client for cockpit CMS # A http-client for your Cockpit CMS content. How...
flucreator Flucreator # You can use Flucreator to create a new Flutter project. Automatically create...
vertical listtile When you want to column on a container, you can add 3 widgets of your...
streamr rtmppublisher # RTMP streaming and camera plugin. Getting Started # This plugin is...
aws lambda core AWS Lambda Core # This package is responsible to provide the basic resources...
flutter mylibrary flutter_mylibrary # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
fc components 中文 | English flutter自定义组件 # 我的常用自定义组件集合,同时也欢迎大家添加自己的。 安装 # Add...
flutter zeplin Zeplin_Flutter # Control your flutter application on zeplin. 🎯 Usage # var...
instruction serialiser Instruction Serialiser Dart # This is the Dart implementation of the instruction serialiser....
bcs ads manager TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
hypi tink api Hypi Tink # This package provides the APIs needed to develop extenstions (Widgets...
material you colours material_you_colours # Should be fairly straightforward to use - example is below...
ones map ones_map # ones map package. ones,the chosen,better to flutter. ones套件中的map组件。 后续会继续开发更新。欢迎加群提出需求和交流:829733587
pq network pq_network # 基于Dio的一些基础封装 快速设置代理 log格式化,支持开启关闭 mock,可模拟网络请求,返回特定的数据,模拟请求时间 decoder集成,可以在decoder中完成json to...
belajar dart packages library TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
route transitions jam Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de screens. Ejemplo...
fortnite Fortnite # A fortnite api manager library for dart inspired by fnbr.js. ...
versum Customizable version constraint policy # Versum allows to custom define version constraint policy...
version check plugin version_check_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
flutter highcontrast flutter_highcontrast # 判断当前设备(Android、ios),是否开启无障碍功能内的高对比度模式。 1、初始化 FlutterHighcontrast(); copied to clipboard 2、获取是否开启高对比度模式(返回一个bool类型)...
sentiance flutter Sentiance SDK Flutter # Flutter plugin for generating Mobile Health Status. ...
partial tutorial Partial Tutorial # Add component-based tutorials for your complicated screens 🎮 Examples #
many many # the alter ego of the dart library Once made by Mostafa Soliman and...
flutter ios calculator flutter_ios_calculator # iOS 10 and iOS 11+ style calculators for Flutter. Works on...
lx tips A beautiful SnackBar. Features # Usage # Tips.of(context).show(content: "Normal String...
flutter cos flutter_cos # A tencent COS Upload Plugin. Getting Started # Recently, I've...
flutter config maker 开始 # 在根据app.yaml,app-dev.yaml,app-pro.yaml等配置文件生成对应的flutter配置类和android的config.gradle配置文件,以及进行文件替换的操作,暂不支持ios配置。 使用 # flutter_config_maker包有2个命令可以使用create命令和build命令。 create命令 # 可以使用--help来查看帮助:`flutter...
aapa TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
flutter zwap webrtc Flutter-WebRTC # WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web
shared store shared_store # Native storage solution based on MMKV. Example # iOS...
kimlik okuyucu Features # It enables the data to be used by scanning the ID card.
anti war handbook Справочник для антивоенных споров в семье и на работе # 17 ответов на...
initialize geiger data TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
zupi zupi # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
appcarry sdk appcarry_flutter # A Flutter plugin for AppCarry SDK. 🛠 In order for us...
shoket Shoket Flutter Wrapper # A simple Flutter wrapper for the shoket payment API, for more...
king011 icons English | 简体中文 king011_icons # Customizable Icons for Flutter,Inspired by react-native-vector-icons
threads client grpc This is a support library used by the Dart Threads Client, available on
http modified The easiest package to use for calling REST APIs in Flutter, heavily based on http...
dip client sdk DIP Client SDK # Client SDK for using DIP (Digital Identity Platform)
dynamic i18n Dynamically load translation in your app. Getting started # Initiate I18n in your...
ezform TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
native orgin toast native_orgin_toast # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
my cli A simple command-line application.
artistic ui Artistic UI # Artistic UI package lets you create different types of buttons and...
just widgets just_widgets # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...