Temporal RoadRunner runtime for Symfony based application
This package provides a handler to ease authentication with Google's OAuth 2 APIs.
The Fomo Framework
Lite Query Builder for PHP
Клиент для работы с API SberPay QR
Multi dialect ORM for PHP inspired by Sequelize.JS
Composer plugin to merge multiple composer.json files
Prometheus parser written on PHP 8
LKT PHP Template
PDF form filling using FPDM Class written by FPDF author Olivier
chipsa access checker
Contao Bundle Diagramms based on Chart.js
Show additional author information on a reader page
Kirby 3 Cloudflare Turnstile guard for the Uniform plugin
LKT HTTP Response
files synchronizer between servers
Automatic static cache warming for Statamic
Pacote para criação de crud no padrão de arquitetura action/usecase/repository.
php zerorpc client
Social sharing links for your Statamic site
Prometheus instrumentation library for PHP applications.
MEOM cookiebot message for videos
Alibaba Cloud umeng-push (20220225) SDK Library for PHP
REMIND - Extbase
Symfony iSendPro Notifier Bridge
PhpCsFixer configuration to use in other organization repositories
MIME Type获取器
Simple, straight forward implementation of php templates.
Already synchronized repository interface implemetation
A non-part-of-speech lemmatizer tool
Add a Table of Contents (TOC) block to your Elemental Area
This will manage database
Framework-agnostic, small migrations library
Micro Framework: OAuth2 client based on "league/oauth2-client"
Hokodo BNPL module for Magento EE
SQL query builder for interacting with the WordPress database in OOP style.
Selling partner amazon API
Spin up your development background processes with ease.
Micro Framework: Security component
User wallet system for laravel application
Simple templating solution w/ assets handling (mustache, phtml, assets)
A short description of what your package does
Risecommerce Email Attachments Extension for Magento 2
Risecommerce BuyNow for Magento 2
fangshan portal config
Signing URL functionality for CodeIgniter 4 framework
Pacote que disponibiliza um middleware para integrar com o laravel passport para instrospecção
Simple and fast PHP framework frozen in C extension.
Symfony2/3/4/5 Queue Bundle (for background jobs) supporting Mongo (Doctrine ODM), Mysql (and any Doctrine ORM), RabbitMQ, Beanstalkd, Redis, and ......
This package help to connect SSO Banda Aceh with another applications with some features (View, Controller, Config and Route)
A Laravel Package for easily retrieving a list of active users and guests that are currently online.
HuaweiCloud OBS PHP SDK
A package used to calculate the distance between two coordinate points using the haversine algorithm
Module laravel
PHP-SOAP клиент для работы с web-сервисами ЕДИНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ СИСТЕМЫ «Спецсвязь» (ЕИС «Спецсвязь»)
Zend Framework 2 Module for Gaufrette
A highly customizable Content Management System based on the Laravel framework.
This class to help with the integration with Thawani Gateway (V2.0)
Get nice type coverage reports
Authentication functionality for API using Laravel Passport
IronMQ Module for Zend Framework 2
PHP client for Ergast Developer API
Simple PHP emecef integration
Integrates the Propel EventDispatcherBehavior into Symfony2.
Pickles 2 に、サイトマップをグラフィカルなエクセル形式(xlsx)で編集できる機能を追加します。
MongoODM Silex service provider
Cosmic-Core designed for Ares Habbo Framework
Query builder communicate database
Implementation of UserAgentParserInterface using donatj/PhpUserAgent library
fangshan share config
Generate and render favicons from Images
Laravel Helpers2
Filtering Eloquent queries based on HTTP requests.
JWT POPO library
XML generación de documentos electrónicos, Facturacion Electrónica SUNAT - Perú
tracker.my.com s2s api
PHP interface to OpenProvider API
Allows to check the project's database against most common issues
Model collection and repository classes for Charcoal.
php http client
PHP Polyfill for the Calendar extension
Date converter with more features ( adding months to date, adding days to date , get current date etc. )...
LeadVertex db component
Olympus Hades is a bundle used to handle all Olympus errors from your WordPress website and its plugins.
Install Plugin for NetCommons3
UNION.co Plugin
Front-end-plugin för breadcrumbs (bara för sidor)
A wrapper for php-46elks
simple logger