PHP_CodeSniffer rules for projects in the PHP Parallel Lint organisation
Library Path
Laravel Smart
Templates and fonctionnal Hooks for symfony
Pretty-print PHP objects and arrays in html, json etc.
Pigeon Library for PHP
Pigeon Library for Laravel
A tool to enable powerful, easy to use, Brute Force Protection.
Kirby plugin to register custom webhooks based on kirby hooks
Provides an abstraction for environment variables.
Implementation over abstraction IAdapter for creating and execution Doctrine\DBAL\Connection instances over driver Mysql
Domain Object Normalizer
mini is a lightweight server utility with no dependencies. It's designed to be extended according to the project.
TTMesaj notification channel for Laravel
An easy-to-use, object-oriented PHP library for Server-Sent Events
OAuth authorization client for
Ergonode - Comment
Laravel filter elequent
Jelix module for Lizmap, which adds tools to interact with french cadastral data
Work in progress
RSS feed from
FixedHeader Plugin for DataTables
A fluent URL generator for
thinkphp extension
RajaOngkir API Package
Adds jms serializer to Laravel
Olympus Hera is a bundle used to render all components views through the TWIG template engine.
Commands and code-driven configuration for Lumen queues.
Class for storing and managing data in an array
The lake-admin is an admin package.
WordPress field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Upload field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Toggle field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Text field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Select / Multiselect field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Radio / Checkbox field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Link field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
A library for unified payments with online wallets and Alipay and WeChat
Color field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
A simple, clean and elegant way to filter Eloquent models.
A convenient way to view and copy a system configuration path from the admin panel
Restrict access of a user role to a specific page (and its children) in the panel.
The captcha image generator for restful api
Libreria para firmar XML
Flogar Core
Data sanitizer and Laravel 7 form requests with input sanitation. API implementation
A simple library to decode and parse Apple Sign In client tokens.
Extend Laravel Response facade
A static wrapper around the symfony filesystem with additional methods for extra flavor
Laravel pagination template for UIkit
Modifies GridFields & GridField detail forms to use standard page edit form (with versioning, history & settings). Simple alternative for...
Useful filters and other tools to be used with PHP Stream Functions.
A simple GraphQL client tools for php
Php library for converting and caching images to Webp .webp, JpegXr .jxr, Jpeg 2000 .jp2
Symfony2 RFC-6570 compatible router and URL Generator
Symfony2 Bundle that provides a RFC-6570 compatible router and URL Generator.
Ergonode - Workflow
An easily customisable and reusable idempotency middleware for Laravel.
A collection of OAuth 2 packages that extracts from laravel/socialite.
SDK de pagamentos Zoop
Blade x-component documentation
LiveStyled APIs PHP SDK
A lite logger for PHP. make log easier to use.
The Gaudigame Engine
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes.
Simple Items Gatcha with PHP
Google reCAPTCHA v3 for Laravel
A simple package to handle bannable users
easyswoole component
Flipbert Extension for Contao Open Source CMS
Obtains the latest version release of Composer Packages from the Packagist API
Translate service for Laravel
Online media provider for
Simple PHP router that works with query-string and uri-segments, laravel filter system
oEmbed field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
Hyperf Ide Helper
mPAY24 driver for Omnipay v3
Easy to use internationalization functions for Laravel
Functional PHP library
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed
JavaScript WYSIWYG web text editor (for laravel). by Japonline
A PHP FFI integration with TdLib via JSON interface
Doctrine for Codeigniter 4
Constantes, Funções Globais e Classes de uso geral.
Background field, this component is a part of the Olympus Dionysos fields.
PlotLib is a wrapper class for the PHP charting library JPGraph for producing charts in bulk.