desktopparser 0.1.1 Desktop Parser This is a parser for the .desktop file format. It's used in...
desktopnotify 1.3.3 DESKTOP-NOTIFY Util for sending desktop notifications over dbus. Supports replace_id, hints and actions(mainloop required).
desktopentrycreator 0.1.4 Desktop entry creator A user-friendly GUI for creating desktop entries...
desktopbanner 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
dependencydash 0.1.0b1 A fully Open Source dependency dashboard. ...
DependencyConfusion 666 DependencyConfusion Description This package implements a test for Dependency Confusion using pip....
designexplorer 0.3 # design-explorer<div align="center"> <!-- Build Status --> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status" /> </a>...
designatetempestplugin 0.23.0 Team and repository tags ...
DelumoWave 0.1.27 This package represent API for Delumo hardware radio controller to communicate with Delumo and Gidrolock...
dengochemistry 0.1.0 This is the Dengo package, designed to be a meta-solver for chemical reaction networks...
deltalanguage 0.6.4 Deltalanguage Deltalanguage allows the programmer to represent their computational model as a...
deliveryboy 0.1.0 # DeliveryBoy DeliveryBoy is a lightweight and transparent intermediary for executing a Python...
python2libnuma 2.3.2 Python2 bindings for libnuma
python2hwloc =================================Python 2 and 3 bindings for hwloc=================================I have retired and am no longer maintaining or...
pytestshot 0.2 Automated tests for Python/GTK using screenshots and image processing
pytextable 0.2.1 pytextable creates well-formatted latex tables with booktabs support in pure python. pytextable is highly-configurable,...
pytestmqtt 0.4.2 About pytest-mqtt supports testing systems based on MQTT by providing test fixtures for...
pytestingutils 0.5.0 PyTesting Utils ...
deepsigbiocomp 0.9 DeepSig - Predictor of signal peptides in proteins based on deep learning Publication...
deeplitetorchzoo 2.0.5 🚀 Deeplite Torch Zoo 🚀 is a collection of state-of-the-art efficient computer vision models...
deeplitetools 0.0.4 deeplite-tools Repository for all tools used accross our libraries (such as encryptions of files...
deepliteprofiler 1.2.3 Deeplite Profiler To be able to use a deep learning model in research and...
deeplitemodelconverter 1.2.4 Deeplite Model Converter Collaboration is one of the biggest challenge is designing deep learning...
decyclify 0.1 decyclify Graph decyclify algorithm implementation as in Sandnes & Sinnen...
deepdrivemd 0.0.2 DeepDriveMD-F (DeepDriveMD-pipeline) DeepDriveMD-F: Deep-Learning Driven Adaptive Molecular Simulations (file-based continual learning loop)
deepdoctection 0.33 A Document AI Package deepdoctection is a Python library that...
declarativeparser 0.1.3 Modern, declarative argument parser for Python 3.6+. Powerful like click, integrated like argparse, declarative...
deckstersd 0.6.2 Deckster A service to manage your Stream Deck easily on Linux ...
decideanalysis 2.2.0 decide-analysis This project is a python package for analyzing data from the decide operant...
decaychain 0.7.1 decaychain This package decays single or multiple radionuclides and computes the daughter radionuclides and...
debus debus: a non-reference DBus implementation Summary This is an attempt to make a...
debuntutools 0.9.1 The debuntu-tools package is my playground for experiments in automating system administration tasks on...
debocker 0.2.1 UNKNOWN
deblur 1.1.0 Deblur: a greedy deconvolution algorithm based on known read error profiles
debloch 0.6 # debloch A python Blochwave solver for Continuous Electron Diffraction. Also contains a...
debinterface 3.5.0 This is a simple Python library for dealing with the /etc/network/interfaces file in most Debian...
debianizedjupyterhub Copyright © 2018 - 2019, 1&1 Group See LICENSE for details. ...
debiancrossgrader 0.0.3 debian-crossgrading This repo contains my work and research for my Google Summer of Code...
debdialer 0.26 Installation Install with shell script sudo apt install python3-pyqt4 dmenu kdeconnect indicator-kdeconnect...
debabocho 0.5.3 Slice up PDFs like a pro: % bocho my-fancy-file.pdf --pages 1 3 5 6...
pysp 0.0.10 pysp pysp is Python-Support-Package.
pysoplot 0.0.2 Pysoplot Pysoplot is a Python library that provides basic functions and routines for geochronology....
pysolhttpclient 3.11.0 pysolhttpclient Welcome to pysol Copyright (C) 2013/2017 Laurent Labatut / Laurent Champagnac...
pysoldaemon 3.11.0 pysoldaemon Welcome to pysol Copyright (C) 2013/2017 Laurent Labatut / Laurent Champagnac...
pysolbase 3.11.0 pysolbase Welcome to pysol Copyright (C) 2013/2017 Laurent Labatut / Laurent Champagnac...
pysolardb 0.3.2 pysolardb Python library to access LE2P solar database SolarDB Source code accessible via...
pysilicoserver 0.22.0 # PYSILICO server: Prosilica AVT camera controller for Plico ...
pysilico 0.21.0 PYSILICO: Prosilica AVT camera controller for Plico
pysigset 0.4.0 Provides access to sigprocmask(2) and friends and convenience wrappers to python application developers wanting...
PySide6DS 4.5.1 PySide6_DS This package provide the Qt Design Studio QML components for PySide6...
PySide6 6.7.2 PySide6 Introduction Important: for Qt5 compatibility, check PySide2 PySide6 is the official...
pysequansutils pysequansutils pysequansutils provides tools for the Sequans Monarch 2 platform which is used on...
pysendfile 2.0.1 Quick links Home page Mailing list Blog What’s new
PySelection 0.1.0 A Python wrapper for Codeml selection analysis
pysegd3 1.1.0 PYSEGD3 Standalone package to read/write segd rev3 files in python Install From...
pysed 0.7.8 Table of Contents: About Installation Command Line Tool...
pysecuritytxt 1.3.2 Python client and module for querying .well-known/security.txt files Give it a domain, it tries...
pyschemer 1.1.1 PySchemer A database schema visualization tool Usage This app will try to...
pysch 0.1.0 pysch - Python-made SSH Connection Manager pysch (spelled in Russian as пыщ, just for...
pysdcxx 0.1.4 This library may be used to compare strings by a similarity measure, defined as...
pysdbus 2023.12.25 pysdbus pysdbus is a Python wrapper library for DBus inter-process communication. It uses...
pyscrlink 0.2.8 pyscrlink Pyscrlink is a Scratch-link for Linux. Scratch-link is a software module which...
pysatSpaceWeather 0.2.0 pysatSpaceWeather: pysat support for Space Weather Indices
pyrsmi 0.2.0 pyrsmi Python Bindings for System Management Library for AMD GPUs
dbtrpc 0.4.2 A JSON RPC server that provides an interface to programmically interact with dbt projects.
dbtredshiftdryrun 0.10.1 This is under expriment project
dbtredshift 1.8.1 dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that...
daudin 0.0.19 The author of this package has not provided a project description
dbcgptcli 0.17.0 How do I run it? Users: A user should...
datososeedtdc 1.0.0 Datoso Seed TDC Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download and...
datososeedsfcspeedhacks 1.0.1 Datoso Seed Super Famicom Speed Hacks Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool...
datososeedsfcmsu1 1.0.1 Datoso Seed Super Famicom MSU1 Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to...
datososeedsfcenhancedcolors 1.0.1 Datoso Seed Super Famicom - Enhanced Colors Datoso is a WIP Python command line...
datososeedredump 1.0.0 Datoso Seed Redump Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download and...
datososeedpleasuredome 1.0.0 Datoso Seed Pleasuredome Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download and...
datososeednointro 1.0.0 Datoso Seed No-Intro Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download and...
datososeedmdenhanced 1.0.1 Datoso Seed MegaDrive Enhanced Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download...
datososeedfbneo 1.0.0 Datoso Seed FinalBurn Neo Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download...
dbase32 1.7.0 The Dbase32 encoding is a base32 variant designed for document-oriented databases, specifically for encoding...
db1testpackage 0.2.0 db1-py DB1 is a simple to use cloud key-value database for storing, sharing and...
db1 0.1.6 DB1 Store one item in the cloud with one line. No login. Share, visualize...
dateandtime 0.0.7 Dateandtime can run multiple different calendaring formats, it will run forever in your shell after...
datatrailssimplehash 0.5.0 DataTrails Simplehash in python Prescribed python code that defines the hashing algorithm for DLT...
datatrailsreceiptscitt 0.5.0a0 DataTrails Scitt Receipt Verification in python Python support for the offline verification of scitt...
datatrailsarchivist 0.32.0 DataTrails Python Client The standard DataTrails Python Client. Please note that the canonical...
datasetscraper 0.0.4 DatasetScraper Tool to create image datasets for machine learning problems by scraping search engines...
dataserviceapip12 1.0.17 data-service-api Install Upgrade pip python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
datahunt 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyqrack 1.30.25 pyqrack Pure Python bindings for the pure C++11/OpenCL Qrack quantum computer simulator...
pyqos 0.3.0 When setting a QoS with TC with a shell script, the syntax is not easy...
pyqode.rst 2.10.0 About Adds reStructuredText support to pyQode
pyqode.qt 2.10.0 About pyqode.qt is a shim that let you write libraries/applications that supports both...
pyqodeng.core 0.0.4 Bugfix maintenance only
pyqodeng 0.0.11 Bugfix maintenance only
pyqode.designer 1.2 What is pyqode.designer? pyqode.designer is a single scripts that starts Qt Designer with the...
pyqode.cobol 2.11.0 About pyqode.cobol adds COBOL support to pyQode (code completion, code folding,…).
pyqode3python 3.2.4 About This is a fork of PyQode, which is now developed as the editor...
pyqode3languageserver 0.1.14 About This is a fork of PyQode, which is now developed as the editor...
pyqode3core 3.2.35 About This is a fork of PyQode, which is now developed as the editor...
PyQuota 0.0.3 PyQuota PyQuota is a simple python wrapper for C apis of quotactl. Supported...