fragilenespy 10.0.1 nes-py is an NES emulator and OpenAI Gym interface for MacOS, Linux, and Windows...
fragilegymsupermariobros 7.4.1 gym-super-mario-bros
foundrysmb3 0.6.1.post1 Foundry
fotoobo 2.1.1 fotoobo | Fortinet Toolbox make IT easy ...
fpi 0.1.1 fpi is open-source software for engineers and technicians working in the fields of chemical...
fpgatools 1.2.0 FPGA Tools University project to support FPGA development for Nexys 4 and Nexys 4...
FPGAflowesdg 0.3.5 FPGAFlow is a python script to handle a complete FPGA design flow where the design...
forward 0.1.0 This package facilitates common phenomic analyses and automates report creation and data management.
forumscraper 0.1.6 forumscraper forumscraper aims to be an universal, automatic and extensive scraper for forums....
Fortuna 5.5.8 Fortuna: Generative Modeling Toolkit for Python3 © 2024 Robert Sharp, all rights reserved....
formulavalidation 1.0.4 Formula Validation Python Module This Python module contains a Formula class for working with...
formelsammlung 5.0.0 General PyPI
formatStringExploiter 0.2.1 See website for more info.
formatscaper 0.1.0 Formatscaper Formatscaper is a tool for generating an overview of the file format landscape...
FormatBlock 0.4.1 Formats text into “blocks” that do not exceed the maximum length for each line....
FormalMethodsVLSI 0.0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
form 0.0.1 github | PyPi | ReadTheDocs form
forkme 0.11 Fork your proccess like a boss import forkme import logging import os
footprintpy 1.3 footprint-py What is footprint-py A python OSINT...
forkedsubprocess 1.0.3 Forked subprocess support for Python This package allows for the running of a subprocess...
ForeTiS 0.0.2 ForeTiS: A Forecasting Time Series framework ForeTiS is a Python framework that...
fontypython 0.4.3 Manage your fonts on Gnu/Linux. NEWS : We now support TTF, OTF, Type1 (PFB,...
foremon 1.3.0 foremon foremon...
foremanansibleinventory 0.0.4 foreman_ansible_inventory=========================[]( script can be used as an Ansible dynamic inventory[1].The connection parameters are set...
fontmanrope 0.0.2 Fonts: Manrope Manrope is an open-sourced modern sans-serif font family, designed by Mikhail Sharanda...
fontintuitive 0.0.4 Fonts: Intuitive Intuitive is a hand-drawn font by Bruno de Souza Leão released under...
fonthankengrotesk 0.0.2 Fonts: Hanken Grotesk Hanken Grotesk is a serif font by Alfredo Marco Pradil released...
fontfredokaone 0.0.4 Fredoka One is a sans-serif font by Milena Brandao released under the OFL. Preview:...
fontfontawesome 0.0.2 Fonts: Font Awesome Font Awesome 5 Free is an icon and logo font by...
fontcaladea 0.0.2 Caladea is a hand-drawn font by Carolina Giovagnoli and Andres Torresi released under the Apache...
folx 0.2.12 folx - Forward Laplacian for JAX This submodule implements the forward laplacian from
followmail 1.0.0 followmail followmail is a command line utility that parse a postfix log file (also...
focus 0.1.3 Introduction============Focus is a command-line productivity tool for improved task workflows.Why Focus?----------For developers, Focus aims to...
EcMasterPython EC-Master-Python The wrapper provides a Python interface to use the acontis EtherCAT Master stack...
eclipsezenohnightly 0.7.0rc20230328 Eclipse Zenoh The Eclipse Zenoh: Zero Overhead Pub/sub, Store/Query and Compute. Zenoh (pronounce...
eclipsezenohflow 0.4.0a2 Python Zenoh Flow API Zenoh Flow provides a Zenoh-based dataflow programming framework for computations...
eclipsezenoh 0.11.0 Eclipse Zenoh The Eclipse Zenoh: Zero Overhead Pub/sub, Store/Query and Compute. Zenoh (pronounce...
eclients 1.0.12 eclients 基于flask的扩展,各种数据库同步crud操作,各种请求同步crud操作,本repo是个基础封装库,直接用于各个业务系统中 Installing aelog pip install eclients ...
ebs 0.0.10 See the url for more info.
EBIOXP0919 0.1.5 EBIOXP0919 This is a Python package to interface with the EBIOXP0910-4I4O board,...
ebcc 1.5.0 ebcc: Coupled cluster calculations on electron-boson systems
easyworkflowmanager 0.0.14 Install Install with pip % pip3 install easy-workflow-manager After running for the...
easywall 0.3.1 easywall
easyw2v 0.0.0 easyw2v enables to generate word semantic vectors from a corpus simply in Terminal.
easypython 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
easytrakt 0.1.6 install pip install easytrakt use from easytrakt import...
flasktransmute 1.4.0 A transmute ( implementation for flask. You can find out more here:
queryexportercarto 1.5.1 query-exporter is a Prometheus exporter which allows collecting metrics from database queries, at specified...
quantumimageclassifier 1.0.0 Quantum image classifier Data use You can generate synthetic data by calling the...
quantpiler 0.3.5 Сompiler of classical algorithms into oracles for quantum computing Achievements: CRC32...
quantmsutils 0.0.11 quantms-utils Python package with...
qtpygraph 0.3.0 A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy.
qtlab 0.0.27 The author of this package has not provided a project description
QualysPy QualysPy A Python wrapper for the Qualys API. Qualys data can be interacted with...
QualityQueue 1.0.0 Queue in python
quala 0.0.1a1 quala Quala implements different accelerators for optimization solvers, root finders and fixed-point methods,...
quadruped 0.4.1 Quadruped My robot software. YouTube
quadbin 0.2.2 quadbin-py Python library for quadbin. Install...
qmath 0.3.0 This class provides the methods to deal algebrically with quaternions. Quaternions operations are implemented, including...
qrcpathlib 1.0.2 qrc_pathlib Qt Resource System allows to store files inside binaries and read them...
qlist 0.0.1 open-qlist-py Open Source lightweight version of qlist QList Enterprise Enterprise version available...
qlispc 1.0.9 QLispc
qlisp 1.1.1 QLisp Simulator for qlisp Reporting Issues...
qrandomNoahGWood 1.0.0 QRandom Random number generation using quantum computers. Right now the project is in...
qppwg 0.1.2 Quasi-Periodic Parallel WaveGAN (QPPWG) This is official QPPWG PyTorch implementation. QPPWG...
qiskitserverless 0.16.3 Qiskit Serverless client Installation pip install qiskit_serverless Documentation
qostools 0.0.3 long_description
qoptcraft 2.0.0 QOptCraft A Python package for the...
qonos 1.1.5 UNKNOWN
qoiconv 1.0.1 Python QOI QOI (Quite OK Image format) is a new lossless image format that...
qililab 0.27.1 Qililab Qililab is a generic and scalable quantum control library...
qicore 2.0.0 QiCore — QiCore Python Module.
qclipx 1.0.2 QClipX Cross platform clipboard tool. Requirements...
qciodata 1.0.0a5 IOData
qhpythoncinderclient 0.1.0.dev1631 Python bindings to the OpenStack Cinder API This is a client for...
qhal 0.3.2 Quantum Hardware Abstraction Layer package.
qgitc 4.0.0 QGitc A file conflict viewer for...
qermit 0.5.0 Qermit qermit is a python module for running error-mitigation protocols on quantum...
qemuaffinity 1.0.0 qemu-affinity is a tool to easily pin certain QEMU threads to select CPU cores....
qcsys 0.1.1 qcsys S. R. Jha, S. Chowdhury, M. Hays, J. A. Grover, W....
qcselector 0.0.2b12 The Selector library provides methods for selecting a diverse subset of a (molecular) dataset....
Qahirah 1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
qcprocrustes 1.1.0 Procrustes Python Library
qcparser 0.4.0 QC parser for SMaHT Parses outputs of different QC tools and unifies them for...
Qcover 2.6.0 Qcover is an open source effort to help exploring combinatorial optimization problems in Noisy Intermediate-scale...
qconfig 0.0.1 open-qconfig-py Open Source lightweight version of qconfig QConfig Enterprise Enterprise version available...
qconcurrency 0.0a1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyzz 0.0.12 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyxdh 0.0.7 Python xDH Project This project is under going code refactorization. Document code is currently...
pyxdgopen 0.2.1 Python xdg-open (from xdg-utils) clone. Basically determines how to open and then opens given...
dmp3 0.0.7 Download youtube video, playlist, channel. Convert to mp3, store into folder. Efficiently refresh mutiple storage...
dmoj 4.1.0 DMOJ Judge ...
dmmemorytasks 1.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
dmmeltingpot 2.3.1 Melting Pot A suite of test scenarios for multi-agent reinforcement learning. ...
dlinferascend 0.1.0.post1 介绍 dlinfer提供了一套将国产硬件接入大模型推理框架的解决方案。 对上承接大模型推理框架,对下在eager模式下调用各厂商的融合算子,在graph模式下调用厂商的图引擎。 在dlinfer中,我们根据主流大模型推理框架与主流硬件厂商的融合算子粒度,定义了大模型推理的融合算子接口。 这套融合算子接口主要功能: 将对接框架与对接厂商融合算子在适配工程中有效解耦; 同时支持算子模式和图模式;
djira 0.2.1 Introduction Django app that exposes some internals through a REST API. Intended for...
dl4ds 1.8.0 Deep Learning for empirical DownScaling DL4DS (Deep Learning for empirical DownScaling) is a Python...
dl4d 1.8.1 Deep Learning for empirical DownScaling DL4DS (Deep Learning for empirical DownScaling) is a Python...
dktorecuperedb 0.1.0b7 Installer ce module en local (après $ git clone ...): $ cd /path/module_recupere_db...
djehuty tiqav 0.1.0 djehuty command.