pyquokka 0.3.2 Dope way to do cloud analytics Check out or
pyquiver 0.0.5 quiver Hello world
danejwejws 0.12 A library for using JWE and JWS with DANE for identity-secured messaging. This library...
danediscovery 0.22 A library for using DANE TLSA records for certificate discovery. ...
dagsesh 0.1.0 Dagsesh: Airflow DAG Session Manager Overview Prerequisites Getting Started...
daemonize 2.5.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
daemonctl 1.3.25 # Daemon Control (daemonctl) Description: A python framework and tools to manage small applications
daehanmlutil 0.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
dacy 2.7.7 DaCy: An efficient and unified framework for danish NLP
d4 0.1.10 D4: Dock to Develop Dynamic Dockerfile abstract D4 is the tool to develop...
d3tllibs 0.1.0 ### step class step class consist common functions which can be inherited by other...
d3rlpy 2.6.1 d3rlpy: An offline deep reinforcement learning library
pypiinterface 0.1.1 UNKNOWN
pyplink 1.3.7 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyplastimatch 0.4.6 PyPlastimatch PyPlastimatch is a python wrapper for Plastimatch, an ITK-based open source software designed...
pyplanner 0.0.1 pyplanner This is the official pyplanner repository. This lightweight application allows...
pypiadmin 0.1.0 pypi-manage Manage your Pypi warehouse account from console or using a awesome Python API....
pypiproject Empty example PYPI package by The1bit Change log
pyPDPPartitioner 0.1.9 Python PDP with Partitioner GitHub Original Paper arXiv
pypdnsrest 2018.2.17.161125 PowerDNS REST API Client for Python 3.x
pypackagebuilder 0.3.0 pypackagebuilder Building commands for python packages. Has feature to: build
pyp2spec 0.9.0 pyp2spec This project is a thought descendant of specfile_generator. It generates working Fedora...
cypunct 0.1.1 Cypunct is designed to solve the problem of quickly splitting a Unicode string based...
cymem 2.0.8 cymem: A Cython Memory Helper cymem provides two small memory-management helpers for Cython. They...
cylcrose 1.4.1 Cylc-Rose Plugin A Cylc plugin providing support for...
cylcflow 8.3.4 Cylc (pronounced silk) is a general purpose workflow engine that also manages cycling systems...
cyclicsequences 1.1.2 Cyclic-Sequences################Sequence type objects with cyclic indexing::Description===========The cyclic indexation works as for usual sequences, with the...
cyborgtempestplugin 2.4.0 This is a cyborg tempest plugin package. Tests can be run as a tempest plugin
cybervpn 3.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cyberchase 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyofssgui 0.2 The pyofss GUI uses a drag-and-drop approach to adding optical modules to form a system...
pyocdgrpc 0.2.6 gRPC pyOCD DebugProbe A gRPC implementation of a pyOCD DebugProbe class. This is...
pyocdbitbang 1.0.2 pyOCD RemoteBitbang DebugProbe plugin This pyOCD plugin provides a debug probe that allows connection...
pynumic 0.1.0 pynumic under construction Simple neural network library for python.
PyNuGet 0.2.5 =======pynuget=======.. image:: :alt: Travis :target: port of Daniel15's `simple-nuget-server`_ because Idon't know PHP...
pyntlib 1.5.0.post4 The whole project is written in Python, with compatibility in both 2 & 3 versions.
pynltools 0.5.0 py-nltools----------A collection of abstraction layers and support functions that form the naturallanguage processing foundation of...
pyniscope 0.4.0 provides a Python package niscope that wraps the NI-SCOPE driver software for Python using ctypes.
pyniptpluginuncchcamri 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pynipap 0.29.5 PyNIPAP is a Python client library to communicate with the NIPAP server via XML-RPC....
pynidm 4.1.0 1 PyNIDM: Neuroimaging Data Model in Python A Python library to manipulate the Neuroimaging...
cvehound 1.2.1 CVEhound CVEhound is a tool for checking linux sources for known CVEs. The...
cveguess 0.0.2a0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cvangysel 0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cv2PySide6 3.1.0 Python package which combines OpenCV-Python and PySide6. Introduction PySide6 provides powerful tools to...
cuvecbase 0.0.0 No-except installation of cuvec. Won’t fail during install if missing C++/CUDA compilers.
cuvec 6.0.0 Unifying Python/C++/CUDA memory: Python buffered array ↔ C++11 std::vector ↔ CUDA managed memory.
cuttlery 0.1614 ‘cuttlery’ is a package for determining the codon usage table of input sequences. Instead...
cuts 0.37.7 cuts ==== About ----- Utility for cutting...
cutemongoforms 0.7.4 Cute Mongo Forms makes it easy to create Qt Widgets with associated document collection database...
cutelog 2.2.0 Table of contents cutelog Features Installation Usage
pymulticast 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pymtnwm 0.1 pymt_nwm is a package that converts nwm package into a reusable, plug-and-play data component...
PyMongonnator 1.0.4 PyMongonnator Just a simple production-ready mongo paginator written in Python for PyMongo package using...
pymissingreleaseslibrmo 0.1.1 Py-Missing-Releases-LibRMO With a media library set up by LibRMO you can use this application...
pymispasync 2.4.182a3 Advisory This library is an experimental project porting the original PyMISP project to python...
pymisp 2.4.198 IMPORTANT NOTE: This library will require at least Python 3.10 starting the 1st of January...
pyminish 0.1.5 Note Version: 0.1.5 This package provides helper functions to simplify the...
pyminflux 0.4.1 pyMINFLUX Reader, analyzer, and viewer of MINFLUX raw data. ...
pymetismesh 1.0.0 Introduction This repository contains a simple Python wrapper of METIS_PartMeshDual and METIS_PartMeshNodal, which...
pymeanshift 0.2.2 C++ extension for segmenting images with the mean shift algorithm. Segmentation can be performed on...
pymdstat 0.4.3 A pythonic library to parse Linux /proc/mdstat file. >>> from pymdstat import MdStat...
pymcurl Manage outbound HTTP connections using Curl & CurlMulti Description mcurl is a Python...
pymcmcstat 1.9.1 pymcmcstat The pymcmcstat package is a Python program for running Markov Chain...
pyman 0.1.3 PyMan is a small library that allows you to build your own CLI to manage...
pymailq 0.9.0 pymailq - Simple Postfix queue management Contact: Denis ‘jawa’ Pompilio <>...
pyMagicSwitchbot 1.1.4 pyMagicSwitchbot This is a Python library that allows the integration of Magic Switchbot devices...
pymaclab 0.95.9 An advanced library suitable for the solution and analysis of DSGE models as well as...
pylybridge 1.0.1 This is a library that allows you to easily parse Poly Bridge 2 .layout and...
pylxc 0.0.3 A python wrapper for LXC commands
cubical 1.6.4 CubiCal CubiCal is a suite of fast radio interferometric calibration routines exploiting complex optimisation.
ctrlxfbs 2.3.0 Python generated fbs Auto generated python files from all fbs files including the sdk
ctrlxdatalayer 3.3.0 Python Wrapper for ctrlX Data Layer This project provides ctrlX Data Layer access via...
ctool 0.0.1 CTool A CMake wrapper and toolset. Planned tools ctool-autoinstall -...
ctoai 2.3.3 sdk-python This is the Python version of The Ops Platform SDK. In conjunction...
ctlog 0.6.0 CTLog: SAT-Based Combinatorial Testing in Python Full documentation available online. CTLog is a...
ctinker 0.0.4 CTinker - C/C++ Project Introspection and Augmentation Tool C Tinker, pronounced see-tinker (or humorously...
ctds 1.14.0 cTDS is a full Python DB API-2.0-compliant SQL Server database library for Linux, Windows,...
pylinkgrammar 0.2.14 Description LinkGrammar is a sentence parsing system developed at Carnegie Mellon University by John...
pylingua 0.3.0 Lingua-SDK A user toolkit for analyzing and interfacing with Large Language Models (LLMs)...
pylarid 0.1.dev0 pylarid: Load Arrays of Imaging Data pylarid is a Python package that is intended...
pylantool The author of this package has not provided a project description
pykbool 0.1.2 pykbool is a Cython wrapper around the kbool library. kbool is a polygon clipper...
pykarbon 1.2.0 For the full rundown, read the rest of the docs. What is...
pyktalt 0.0.1 What’s this This is a KyotoTycoon client for Python. It is fast, written...
pykt 0.0.2 What’s this This is a KyotoTycoon client for Python. It is fast, written...
pykorm 0.60.0 pykorm - Python Kubernetes Object-relational mapping (ORM) pykorm is a simple library that links...
pyko 0.4.3 pyko pyko[파이코]는 한국어 텍스트 처리를 위한 파이썬 라이브러리입니다. 자연어 처리에서 한국어가 갖는 독자적인 특징을
PyKMIP 0.10.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyjazz # Official Python client for JazzThis is the official Python Jazz client maintained by the...
PyImageOrganizer 1.2 Py Image Organizer Easily sort images, videos, and random files by year/month/date and time.
pyiets 0.1.17 Install with: .. code-block:: bash ./install The full documentation can be found...
pyiec62056 Python IEC62056 Meter Tools How to use ? Install pip install py-iec62056
pyiced 0.3.0a7 PyIced Python...
pyinterface 1.7.0 Interface PCI board driver for python Environment Linux python 3
pyinsane2 2.0.13 Python library to access and use image scanners (devices). Works on GNU/Linux (Sane), *BSD (Sane),...
pyinsane 1.4.0 Pure Python implementation of the Sane API (using ctypes). Include a thread-safe abstraction layer
pyhtmldesktop 1.1.3 build desktop apps with Python and HTML
pyimguiwheels 2.0.1 :warning: The docking branch is a work in progress and may not be used due...
pyhipku 0.2.2 A tiny python library to encode IPv6 and IPv4 addressed as haiku. This a...