offstream 1.0.3 offstream Record your favorite twitch streams automatically and watch them later. ...
offstackapp 0.0.1a0 Locally store your Stackoverflow favorites, without the need to constantly look them up. Works only...
offlate 0.5 Offlate is a graphical interface designed for translators of free and open source software....
dax 2.13.49 DAX, is a python package developed at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA. It’s available...
dateblock 1.0.3 []([]( Manipulation======================Datetools packages itself with 2 tools, dateblock and datemath.## DateblockDateblock allows you to block...
navhippython 0.1.32 Python communication library for Ledger Hardware Wallet products Requirements This API...
NaverTTS 0.3.1 NaverTTS NaverTTS (NAVER Text-to-Speech), a Python library and CLI tool to interface...
natu 0.1.1 Natural units in Python Warning This project is currently in a...
nattopyfork 0.9.0 What is natto-py? A package leveraging FFI (foreign function interface), natto-py combines the...
nattopy 1.0.1 What is natto-py? A package leveraging FFI (foreign function interface), natto-py combines the...
natspyworker 0.0.9 NATS Worker An opinionated utility for using NATS...
naspi simple-nas-pi Introduction Simple implementation of a NAS on raspberry PI with disk redundancy...
napoleontoolbox 3.14 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmvyos 0.2.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmmos 5.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmlogs 0.11.0 Python library to parse syslog messages from network devices and produce JSON serializable Python objects,...
napalmjunos 0.12.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmiosxrgrpc 0.0.1a1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmiosxr 0.5.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalmios 0.8.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
napalminspector 1.0.0 NAPALM-Inspector The NAPALM Inspector is a web application aimed to help with troubleshooting the...
darkprop 0.3.0 Python wrapper of DarkProp, a Monte Carlo simulation code for the propagation of dark...
darkdetectangr 0.9.1 Darkdetect-angr This package allows to detect if the user is using Dark Mode on:
darkdetect 0.8.0 Darkdetect This package allows to detect if the user is using Dark Mode on:
dardrive 0.2.11b13 Dardrive Warning! needs beta testing! Dardrive is a command line backup tool which...
dashbar 2.1 dashbar A progress-bar designed to be useful and...
darwinframework 1.0 A framework for Neuroevolution & Evolutionary Algorithms
nanomethphase 1.0 Phase long reads and CpG methylations from Oxford Nanopore Technologies Table of...
nanolibpy 0.5.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
nanoinsight 0.0.3 NanoINSight NanoINSight is a repeat annotation tool for insertions called by NanoVar. Installation:
nanogram 0.0.1.dev0 nanogram We'll see
nanodip 0.0.0 NanoDiP This project is a fork of
nametag 0.1.0 nametag - set audio file tags based on file name nametag uses regular expressions...
nameit 0.0.1 github PyPi nameit reserved for self usage purpose
namedtupledefs2 0.1.21
namaalamat 0.3.4 A Python Package to Indonesia Name and Address Preprocessor. Features … System...
nalarm 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
nabo 0.4.1 Nabo Nabo is a flexible Python package that allows projections of cells...
mzt 2.0.0 ModuleZooTorch Collection of neural-net modules including both general blocks, and those introduced in latest...
mysqldump 0.0.10 Mysqldump is a django package to import and export mysql database. Installation *...
cytocipher 0.1.20 Cytocipher - detection of significantly different cell populations in scRNA-seq For a...
cytocad 1.0.3 CytoCAD - Copy-number variation caller using low-depth whole-genome sequencing data ...
cythonpocketfft 0.0.12 cython-pocketfft Description A Cython wrapper for PocketFFT Links Documentation:
CyrusKit 0.5.5 ⏱️ Cyrus: Simplifying Caching in FastAPI. 📃
cyr 0.0.1 cyr cyr is a simple console program that converts text written in plain ASCII...
cygtrace 0.0.1 cygtrace gcc instrumentation based tracer for c/c++/pybind11 Installation Requirements: ...
Cyantities 0.5.0 Cyantities Cython-powered quantities. Usage Python Cyantities ships two Python classes: Unit...
cyac 1.9 cyac High performance Trie & Keyword Match & Replace Tool.
cxOracleasync 0.3.3 cx_Oracle_async
multifileconverter 1.0.9 ConvertFilesClass The main idea is to simplify converting files to another formats ONLY...
multiexit 1.5.0 A better, saner and more useful atexit replacement for Python 3 that supports multiprocessing.
multiconfparse 0.1.0 Multiconfparse Multiconfparse is a Python3 library for specifying and reading configuration data from...
multisort 0.1.5 multisort - NoneType Safe Multi Column Sorting For Python Simplified multi-column sorting of lists...
multicastpy 1.0.0 Low-to-mid level wrapper for multicast sockets. Simple and cross-platform. The library is...
multiquantization 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
MultiprocessinggRPCLoadBalancer 0.0.2 Multiprocessing_gRPC_Load_Balancer Load Balancer for multiprocessing grpc server in Linux. [!IMPORTANT]...
multiprocessingdag 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
multiprocessframe 0.0.1 A multiprocess frame to deal with a series tasks easily
MultiProcessDivision 1.0 #MultiProcessDivision() This package is an optimized approach to split large pd.DataFrame() or pd.Series() objects...
multiplevideofilesduration 0.0.5 Multiple-Video-Duration Finds total play time of all videos present in directories and its sub...
cursesinquirer 0.1.1 A library to create curses based CLIs
curseappapi 1.0.1 Project description might be outdated on PyPI, latest version available on Github. Curseforge App...
CurrencyExchange 1.0.3 CurrencyExchange Currency Exchange is a Python package that allows your to verify whether a...
curlypotato 0.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
CurlMultistro 0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
curlclinet 1.0 curlclinet A library Can Make Http Requests ms4 to install pip3...
curb 0.0.4 Curb A lightweight and simple hardware virtualisation CLI for resource consumption management. Use...
cuquantumpythoncu12 24.8.0 cuQuantum Python Documentation Please visit the NVIDIA cuQuantum Python documentation. For instructions...
cupyknn 0.2.5 Cupy-KNN This package provides a fast nearest neighbor index for 3-D points using...
cuplcodec 2.1.0 cuplcodec cuplcodec encodes environmental sensor data into a URL. Each sample includes two 12-bit...
cunebchenn 0.0.4 Example Pytorch-CUDA-CMake Library Pip-Package An example pip-package for a CUDA/C++ Pytorch/Torchlib extension....
cumason123cloudevents 1.1.8 Python SDK for CloudEvents Status This SDK is still considered a...
cufinufft 2.3.0 FINUFFT GPU library Python wrappers This is a Python interface to the efficient GPU...
cuelib 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mrsmapreduce 0.9 UNKNOWN
mrsensemakr 0.0.2 mrsensemakr Instructions: run "./" then see example.ipynb for an example.
mrsegmentator 1.2.0 MRSegmentator: Robust Multi-Modality Segmentation of 40 Classes in MRI and CT Sequences ...
mrrobot 1.0.3 MrRobot
mqt.qao 0.1.0 MQT Quantum Auto Optimizer: Automatic Framework for Solving Optimization Problems with Quantum Computers MQT...
mqt.problemsolver 0.4 MQT ProblemSolver This repository covers the implementations of multiple research papers in the domain...
mqt.ddsim 1.23.0 MQT DDSIM - A quantum circuit simulator based on decision diagrams written in C++...
mqtcore 2.6.0 MQT Core - The Backbone of the Munich Quantum Toolkit (MQT) MQT Core is...
mpyk 0.0.4 mpyk Simple Python 3 library for retrieving Wrocław MPK trams and buses real-time location
mrhttp 0.13 Mrhttp Async Python 3.5+ web server written in C Benchmarks Pipelined...
mrhooker 0.1 UNKNOWN
mrcrypt 2.0.0 mrcrypt: Multi-Region Encryption mrcrypt is a...
mrainet 0.1.0 []([]( [](  []( MR Acquisition-Invariant Neural NetworkThis repository contains experiments and code accompanying...
mplscience 0.0.7 mplscience Matplotlib style for scientific publications. This style keeps things...
mplmultitab 1.2.0 mpl-multitab Tabbed figure manager for matplotlib using pyQt
CTKDesert 1.0.0a1 CTK_Desert Short Description: A GUI framework designed to enable the creation of...
ctbltools 0.1.6 ctbl_tools: miscelaneous daily tasks helpers A package with miscelaneous classes meant to help at...
ctblcylon 0.0.3 Cylon: a simple script to create new accounts This is a testing package for...
CSVcombiner 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
csv2oerp 0.7.3 csv2oerp is a Python converter from the csv format to OpenERP data record. csv2oerp...
csv2odoo 0.7.5 csv2odoo is a Python converter from the csv format to OpenObject data models....
cst 1.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
csshy 0.2 # CSSHY - Alpha VersionImporved ClusterSSH for modern terminals like terminator and tilix, to manage...
CSSdotPy 0.1 A simple way of making CSS code in Python. Your installation
csrmesh 0.10.0 Reverse engineered implementation of the CSRMesh bridge protocol. Currently only capable of interfacing with Feit...
cspy 1.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description