cspbcli 1.0.2 cspb-cli The Cluster System Power Board (cspb) Command Line Interface (cli) package contains a...
cspb 1.0.0 cspb The cspb package contains a python driver class for communications with the Cluster...
csorteddict 0.2 UNKNOWN
CSNet 0.1.8 hello world
csmopenbabel 3.1 This is a Python interface to the Open Babel chemistry library. For the main...
csgamestate 0.0.3 cs-gamestate Counter-Strike Game State Integration for Python: Game State Integration (GSI for short)...
csengine 0.1.4 # csengine csengine is a library which contains the utility classes and tools to...
cs489pyinstallertestable1 6.5.0 PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package. The...
crystalball 0.3.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cryptraider 0.0.1 CryptRaider Some utilities for crypto CTF challenges Test Run tests using the...
MolBokeh 1.0.1 MolBokeh MolBokeh is a simple package for viewing the image of molecules...
molaguttal 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mokkari 3.3.0 Mokkari A python wrapper for the...
mokito 0.3.9 # mokitoAn asynchronous ORM for accessing MongoDB in Tornado## What is mokito?(MOngodb + [mongoKIt](https://github.com/namlook/mongokit) +...
monascapredictor 0.2.0 monasca-predictor monasca-predictor is a Python module that integrates with Monasca to provide OpenStack...
monascanotification 9.0.0 Team and repository tags Notification Engine This...
monascalogapi 2.11.0 OpenStack Monasca-Log-Api OpenStack Monasca-Log-Api provides RESTful Api to collect logs from the OpenStack...
monascaapi 11.0.0 Team and repository tags Overview monasca-api is...
monascaagent 10.0.0 Openstack Monasca Agent Introduction The Monasca Agent...
monainvflare 0.2.13 MONAI Integration Objective Integration with MONAI's federated learning capabilities. Add ClientAlgoExecutor class...
momodatavalidation 0.0.1 Extension of Tensorflow Data Validation
crsplus 0.2.1 CRS Plus A simple Rust library Installation pip install crsplus
crproj 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
CrossTex 0.7.0 UNKNOWN
cropy 0.3 Command line tool and module to crop an image to a specific resolution removing less...
croo 0.6.0 https://github.com/ENCODE-DCC/croo
crontip 0.0.3 Crontip Crontip is a tool uesd for backup and install of crontab. Installation
cronrepo 0.3.4 cronrepo: Maintain a set of cron jobs in your code repository In Unix conventions,...
cronpi 2.0.1 cronpi A small tool for deploying crontab jobs into a unix-like system, eg. Linux/Mac...
cronify 0.13 Cronify is a file event based task scheduler that uses the Linux kernels’ inotify API....
modulelauncher 0.2.0 Python module launcher----------------------This module tries to improve the start-up time of Python scripts. Itdoes so...
modulehotreload 0.0.8 module_hot_reload Package for reloading other packages and modules while Python is running Installation
ModelicaRes 0.12.2 Set up and analyze Modelica simulations ModelicaRes is a free, open-source tool that can...
modislockmonitor 0.1.13 Modis Lock Monitor Overview Intended to run as a daemon service...
modisconverter 0.2.0 modisconverter modisconverter is a Python package that converts MODIS data from HDF4 to NetCDF4...
modifiedrepositoryminer 1.0.8 radon-repository-miner RepositoryMiner is a Python framework that helps developers and researchers to mining software...
modernmetric 1.4.8 See https://github.com/startupos/modernmetric for documentation
mochad dispatch 0.1.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
MobiSpeed 3.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mobilityvirtualenvironment 0.14.3 This is the Mobility Virtual Environment, or MoVE. MoVE is open-source software released under...
moauthlib 3.1.0.dev0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mochic7b1937c0 1.0.1 mochic7b1937c0 Usage conda...
mochic4 0.1.1 mochic-4 Usage conda...
mngr 0.0.1 github PyPi mngr reserved for self usage purpose
mnemo 0.0.2 mnemo-assistant PyPi | docs A...
mnebids 0.15.0 MNE-BIDS MNE-BIDS is a Python package that allows you to read and write...
mmusicc 0.3.0b1 mmusicc is a lightweight audio file and metadata control and synchronization program to transfer the...
mmuller88dockerbuildami 0.7.6 docker-build-ami Build Amazon EC2 AMI image using a Dockerfile ...
mmm 0.4.2 File : README.md Maintainer : Felix C. Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net> Date : 2018-09-16...
mmgenwallet 15.0.0 MMGen Wallet An online/offline cryptocurrency wallet for the command line
mmdzanata 0.7 # mmdzanata## Prerequisites* [libmodulemd](https://github.com/fedora-modularity/libmodulemd)* [koji](https://pagure.io/koji)* [zanata-client](https://github.com/zanata/zanata-client)To install on Fedora 28+, run:```dnf install libmodulemd koji zanata-client```##...
mlrlcommon 0.11.1 "MLRL-Common": Building-Blocks for Multi-Output Rule Learning Algorithms Important links: Documentation | Issue...
mlrlboomer 0.11.1 Important links: Documentation | Issue Tracker | Changelog | Contributors | Code of Conduct |...
mlxtk 0.10.0 mlxtk Toolkit to design, run and analyze ML-MCTDH(X)...
MLX90640 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
mlx2md 0.1.4 MATLAB .mlx to Markdown .md Converter Installation pip install mlx2md...
mlwrappers 0.5.6 Machine Learning Wrappers SDK for Python This package has been tested with Python 3.8,...
mlpipeline 2.0a7.post1 mlpipeline This is a simple framework to organize you machine learning workflow. It automates...
mlpcli 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
MLOOP 3.3.5 The Machine-Learner Online Optimization Package is designed to automatically and rapidly optimize the parameters of...
mLib 1.2.4 Your bag of handy codez for malware researchers Content ...
mliamlib 1.0.7 # mlib A library of useful data manipulation, plotting, loading/saving, and other tools for...
mlia 0.8.0 ML Inference Advisor - Introduction The ML Inference Advisor (MLIA) helps AI developers design...
mlhyperparameters 0.0.2 A library that uses magic to find the best hyperparameters in a modular way
MLGassign 1.0.3 Table of Contents About this package Install Usage
mlflowxethub 0.0.0 MLflow-XetHub This plugin integrates XetHub with MLflow so that you can use existing MLflow...
mlflowregistrymongostore 0.1.11 mlflow-tracking-mongostore Mlflow plugin to use MongoDB as a backend for the MLflow tracking service....
mldevreporting 0.1.1 MLDev Reporting Welcome to MLDev reporting - library for creating html reports for your...
mkschroot A simple script for making schroot environments from a JSON configuration file. The idea...
mkprobe 0.1.0 mkprobe Description Build contigs from a suite of contiguous kmers as fasta format
mknotebookswithlinks 0.7.1.post0.dev809 mknotebooks mknotebooks is a plugin for MkDocs enabling you to include Jupyter notebooks directly...
mknotebooks 0.8.0 mknotebooks mknotebooks is a plugin for MkDocs enabling you to include Jupyter notebooks directly...
mkdocstogglesidebarplugin 0.0.5 mkdocs-toggle-sidebar-plugin This package allows you to toggle the...
mkdocsgithubchangelog 0.1.0 # mkdocs_github_changelog mkdocs extension to autogenerate changelog from github ## Introduction ##...
mjpegstreamer 2024.2.8 mjpeg-streamer Overview The mjpeg-streamer package provides a simple, flexible and efficient way to...
mjcfurdfsimpleconverter 0.4 mjcf_urdf_simple_converter A minimal and simple script to convert limited elements of MJCF (MuJoCo modeling...
mjbackup 1.0.1 MJBackup - Morning Joe Software Linux Server Backup System. This script is called to...
mizoo 0.5 Use deep learning to rename your images with the related caption.
mixvideoconcat 1.2.0 MixVideoConcat MixVideoConcat is a Python tool/library...
mkdocscrosslinkplugin 0.0.3 mkdocs-crosslink-plugin This package allows you to add links...
mkdocsbadges 0.4.4 mkdocs-badges This package allows you to add badges...
mixbytestank 1.0.2 MixBytes Tank MixBytes Tank is a console tool which can set up a blockchain...
miutil 0.12.0 Medical imaging utilities. Basic functionality needed for AMYPAD and NiftyPET....
mitosis 0.5.4 mitosis Reproduce Machine Learning experiments easily A package designed to manage and visualize...
coquitts 0.24.1 🐸Coqui TTS News 📣 Fork of the original, unmaintained repository. New PyPI...
copyriot 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
copycurse 0.0.2 CopyCurse is a simple tool for recursively copying files from one directory to another....
copper 0.9.1 copper is a Python module that provides low-level APIs for creating large complex mechatronic...
copierProjectScaffoldingSamplePythonPackage 0.1.2 copier-ProjectScaffolding-Sample-PythonPackage Sample of the copier-ProjectScaffolding "Python Package" project type. Overview TODO: Complete...
converttrustedgpg 1.0.0 convert-trusted-gpg This tool read the APT key store's single file and creates multiple...
miprobe 0.6.9 MiProbe Data Logging Tool and Python Libraries A USB/Serial data logging tool and python...
miniver 0.8.0 Miniver Like versioneer, but smaller Miniver is...
minivect 0.1 Mini compiler for array expressions. Provide mappings between the original AST and minivect, specialize according...
MiniumBoot 1.0.2 GitHub | Gitee MiniumBoot - yaml驱动Minium测试 概述 Minium是微信小程序的自动化测试工具,但是要写python代码; 考虑到部分测试伙伴python能力不足,因此扩展Minium,支持通过yaml配置测试步骤; 框架通过编写简单的yaml,...
minishelltest 1.1.3 minishell_test Documentation The full documentation...
miniflask 5.1.2 MiniFlask Miniflask is a small research-oriented plugin-engine for...
minifit 1.0.5 MiniFit Copyright (C) 2023-- Michał Kopczyński MiniFit is a Python package that uses...
minirobotsturtle 0.2.9 Python client for Minirobots Turtle Robot Install $ pip install minirobots-turtle
miniquant 0.3.3 Miniquant -- Python Wrapper for PicoQuant's Harp API This is a modern, convenient Python...
miningcontrol 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description