mining 0.2.0 BI Application Server written by Python and Riak
mingusrestframework 0.1 Mingus is a small and flexible restful framework on top of “Tornado. It provides...
minimaxclient 0.6.1 MiniMax Python Client
minimappers2 0.1.3 Python bindings for the Rust FFI minimap2 library. In development! Feedback appreciated! Why?...
connectsnowflake 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
connectsdkpython3 4.1.0 Introduction The Python SDK helps you to communicate with the Worldline Connect Server API....
connectsdkpython2 4.1.0 Introduction The Python SDK helps you to communicate with the Worldline Connect Server API....
Configo 1.4 Configo=======[]( way to use existing JSON, XML or YAML config files from bash shell/scripts#...
configmoxad 4.0.2 Read config file(s) with Python module Description This module is a set of...
Midterm 0.1 This is a program that will extract html table data and save it to a...
miidl 0.0.5 MIIDL MIIDL /ˈmaɪdəl/ is a Python package for microbial biomarkers identification powered...
MIDIFile 0.2.0 A simple Python3 MIDI File / stream parser / decoder Introduction...
midi2audio 0.1.1 Easily synthesize MIDI to audio or just play it. It provides a Python and...
midgard 1.3.0 Midgard, the Python Geodesy library Midgard is a collection of useful Python utilities used...
mideabeautifuldehumidifier 0.6.1 This is a library that allows communication with Midea dehumidifier appliances via the local area...
mideabeautifulair 0.10.5 This is a library that allows communication with Midea air conditioner and dehumidifier via the...
microversionparse 2.0.0 A small set of functions to manage OpenStack microversion headers that can be used...
microraptor 2.0.0 Microraptor builds cool presentations using Angler, Impress and Markdown. Presentations using a simple MarkDown...
miagis 1.0.1 MIAGIS was created to help automate the process of creating a meatadata file for GIS
MI7 0.1.0 MI7 is a lightweight and fun spying test framework. It’s main goal is to be...
mhtg 0.0.3 features h11, a transport agnostic standards-compliant http/1.1 implementation trio, an async/await-native...
microprobetargetriscv 0.5.20240627151354 Microprobe is a productive microbenchmark generation framework that an user can adapt towards exercising...
microprobetargetpower 0.5.20240627151354 Microprobe is a productive microbenchmark generation framework that an user can adapt towards exercising...
microprobecore 0.5.20240627151354 Microprobe is a productive microbenchmark generation framework that an user can adapt towards exercising...
microprobeall 0.5.20240627151354 Microprobe is a productive microbenchmark generation framework that an user can adapt towards exercising...
mgtwriteusb 0.9.2 writeusb A Python script to write SAM Coupé disk images to a USB floppy...
micrometa 0.0.11 The author of this package has not provided a project description
micromelon 1.1.1 Micromelon Python Module This module provides an API for connecting and controlling Micromelon Rovers...
mglcmdtools 0.0.9 mglcmdtools 1 Introduction mglcmdtools is a collection of common cmd tools intended to...
mget 1.4.6 Small command-line program to download videos from & video sharing site and other http...
microhttp 0.14.6 A tool-chain for web applications based on nanohttp. Default supported extensions: ...
microhackatonservicediscoverypy 0.0.7 Python library to interact with other microservices at Installation You...
mfrc522python 0.0.7 MFRC522-python The mfrc522-python library is used to interact with RFID readers that use the...
mfrc522 0.0.7 mfrc522 A python library to read/write RFID tags via the budget MFRC522 RFID module.
mfpml 1.0.0 Documentation | Installation | GitHub | Tutorials Summary This repository...
mfl 2.0a1 The api for the master facility list.
mfispboxdetection 0.0.1.dev2 mfisp-boxdetection, see for info
mffpytex 0.4.2 MFF PyTeX is a framework for writing tex documents in python. Free...
miceless 1.0.0 MiceLess Utitlity that helps binding keyboard shortcuts for some of the operations that you...
miceapi 1.0.3.dev6 miceapi - Multi-Mouse API A module for abstracting linux devices and making multiple simultaneous...
micca 1.7.2 micca (MICrobial Community Analysis) is a software pipeline for the processing of amplicon sequencing...
cometbluelite 0.7.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Colr 0.9.1 A python module for using terminal colors. It contains a simple color function that...
colored 2.2.4 About Colored, it's a simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal....
ColorDetect 1.6.3 ColorDetect ColorDetect Documentation | Package ...
colorconvert 1.0 Hexadecimal to rgb from color_convert import color rgb = color.hex_to_rgb('#fff000')...
colorclass 2.2.2 colorclass Yet another ANSI color text library for Python. Provides "auto colors" for dark/light...
colorthemeanalyse 1.145.6 项目依赖比较简单,可以使用无依赖安装: pip install color-theme-analyse --no-deps 如果你设置的全局镜像未收录本项目,请使用以下的命令从官方仓库安装或者手动指定镜像: pip install color-theme-analyse --no-deps -i
colorprint 0.1 Module colorprint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Python module to print in color using py3k-style...
colorpie 1.0.0 colorpie Terminal color style handler. Installation: python -m pip install [--upgrade] colorpie
colorgb 4.1 Colorgb A Python packages to coloring and styling default terminal text. ColorGB using...
coloredtraceback 0.4.2 Automatically color Python’s uncaught exception tracebacks. This one’s for anybody who’s ever struggled to...
colin 0.5.3 Colin Tool...
cogen 0.2.1 This is a library for network oriented, coroutine based programming. cogen’s goal is to...
coffer 0.3 About Easily send and receive files in your LAN. Without ever typing an IP...
Metamorf 0.5.1 What is Metamorf Metamorf is a Metadata Suite that generates SQL code within a...
methylsuite 1.4.0 Overview This meta package will install the python packages that together make up the...
MethylPurify 2.020141116 This script is used for predicting subclone purity. Get Dependent data...
methylprep 1.7.1 methylprep is a python package for processing Illumina methylation array data. View on ReadTheDocs.
methylize 1.1.1 methylize is a python package for analyzing output from Illumina methylation arrays. It complements methylprep...
methpype 1.0.6 Overview This meta package will install the python packages that together make up the...
methodwebscan 0.0.20 The author of this package has not provided a project description
metafs 0.0.16 MetaFS is for generating a datastore of file metadata for rapid complex searches
metaflownetflixext 1.2.2 Metaflow Extensions from Netflix This repository contains extensions for Metaflow that are in use...
meson 1.5.2 Meson is a cross-platform build system designed to be both as fast and as user...
mesmerizeviz 0.1.0 mesmerize-viz This is currently in beta and documentation is a WIP. Motion Correction and...
mesmerizecore 0.4.0 mesmerize-core Mesmerize...
mesmerize 0.8.0 PyPI Downloads License
metaflow 2.12.22 Metaflow Metaflow is a human-friendly library that helps scientists and engineers build and manage...
metadynminer 0.8.3 Metadynminer is a package designed to help...
cloudmeshcommon 5.0.60 Cloudmesh Common ...
mediamanager 0.75.25 Media Manager ...
mediadownloader 0.11.5 Media Downloader ...
mediaDB Ensure your media are here, no double, detect missing media, and can accept any metadata...
mediabyte Mediabyte Mediabyte is an open-source poly-platform playlist format and succinct online media...
medeiroscalculator 0.0.1 A calculator to add to pip install Change Log 0.0.1 (20/02/2024)
mecab 0.996.3 Unofficial MeCab binding Python module for many OSs (Windows, macOS, and Linux) Official Japanese...
mebuex 1.3.0 Mebuex A setuptools Extension and build_ext wrapper for builds based on Meson. Usage
measeelabftw 0.0.7 mease-elabftw A Python library...
meaningless 1.1.0 Meaningless is a Python library used to retrieve, process and download Bible passages from Bible...
meaningeraser 0.0.1 Meaning Eraser A simple program that can erase the meaning of your life....
mealgeneratorRhyknowscerious 2019.9.29.7 Meal Generator This is a little application that gives you ideas for meal preparation.
mdstatinflux 0.1.0 mdstat-influx read mdstat and format for line messages Includes a script When...
mdstat 1.0.4 This short library is used to convert your /proc/mdstat file into an object usable...
mdms 1.0.4 MDMS: Molecular Dynamics Made Simple Perform Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations from scratch within minutes....
mdlearn 1.0.0 mdlearn mdlearn is a Python library for analyzing molecular dynamics...
mdfmt 0.0.0
mdbackup 0.4.3 Backups utility Small but...
mdapy 0.11.3 mdapy : Molecular Dynamics Analysis with Python Overview The mdapy python...
mdapimessages 1.0.0 mdapi messages A schema package for mdapi. See the detailed documentation on packaging...
mdapi 3.1.6 mdapi A simple and fast API for serving the metadata from the RPM repositories
md4mathjax 0.1.3 md4mathjax this is a python-markdown extension. basicly learning from the pelican plugin render-math. and...
mct 0.3.2 The MRI Coil-reconstruct Toolbox, MCT, is a small toolbox for combining the channels of a...
clearmlsession 0.16.0 clearml-session CLI for launching JupyterLab / VSCode / SSH on a remote machine 🔥...
clearmlserving 1.3.0 ClearML Serving - Model deployment made easy clearml-serving v1.3 :sparkles: Model Serving (ML/DL) Made...
clavis 0.0.1b3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
classdirectory 0.1.2 # classdirectoryGet your objects here.## Usage```pythonfrom classdirectory import ClassDirectoryimport your_modulecd = ClassDirectory(your_module)matching_classes = cd.find(parent=your_module.Parent, regex='Something$')```
ClarkePark 0.1.7 Transformación de Park & Clarke La librería de Park (dq0) & Clarke (α, β...
classiqinterface 0.8.1 See classiq package README. License See license.
ckms 0.65.0 Crypto Key Management Framework Requirements Yubikey provider SWIG