Asynchronous API communication
Live debugging for Async.
A scheduling service using cron-style syntax.
Abstract container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appropriate.
An Async AWS SDK adapter for `socketry/async` framework
iterate over enumerable objects concurrently
Often in our Rails applications we have tasks that may take a lot of time to finish, such as external...
An asyncronous emitter class for ruby
Allows the user to update data in the background on a schedule and return the most recent data
Pattern and library for implementing asynchronous caching
A usable code block for rails to run your code asynchronusly, "\
"this will help in preventing writing of...
Multi-fiber, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails
A better version of OpenStruct
email => http post
This program shows essential data in order to plan your observations: 9 days weather forecast, full ephemeris for the Sun,...
A light weight, mountable engine for the 'astronomy' gem. Search or browse various astronomical phenomena
Search or browse the names, descriptions and image URLs for various categories including: Asterism, Celestial Object, Star, Planet, Star System,...
The ruby analytics library, adapted by
Declarative SAX Parsing with Nokogiri
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (RFC 4422)
Allows you to connect to AstroPay Direct/Card API.
Ruby AST Utility
An AST transformation framework.
Parse Ruby code & search for AST nodes
Use to run code as another user
well, I guess the description is not really optional
Large ruby wrapper for the Transmission RPC API base on Fernando Guillen's gem transmission_api
Provides easy access to the REST-based 'Astroboa Resource API'. With just a few lines of code you can read, write...
This library implements algorithms from Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd English Edition, Willmann-Bell, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, 1999, with corrections as...
Astronomical gem to provide various calulations.
Your DIY asset distribution web service.
A Star in ruby.
Starting from the metamodel of a DSL (abstract classes and their relationship), Astrapi generates a compiler front end for this...
Just another IRC bouncer.
A dimension that brings servers together
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
User agent parser
Astrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion repositories (with svndump) and just files.
Backups can...
Lightweight wrapper for Paypal's Adaptive Payments API.
allows you to require "http://foo/bar.rb"
Utility functions for AST::Node
Ruby client library for the Asterisk REST Interface (ARI)
Ruby module for interacting with Asterisk management interface (AMI) via HTTP
This gem is a shorthand for installing Asterisk ARI Client library for Ruby.
Ruby Client to connect to Asterank APIs
A programming language for configuring servers
Interact with an Asterisk Database (AstDB) instance via ssh.
App Status
Pathfinding library using the a* algorithm
Serf event router. Ported from
Allows the use of get, post, put, and delete to define actions and then allows the controller constant to be...
AbstractSyntaxTree to Dot file.
Originate calls through Asterisk AMI.
AstBuilder is an AST tool that makes it easier to build (and eventually manipulate) nodes
Easily convert strings into tokens.
In the future you will be able to convert these into a tree as well,...
A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.
A* Search Algorithm for PNG images
ActiveRecord plugin which provides the possibility to build an association without affecting to parent object.
Detailed reports for Active Record Associations
Rails 3 assocation validation for id fields
AssociationScope adds useful scopes targeting Associations in ActiveRecord.
This gem lets you access form parameters in your model.
Define ActiveRecord associations through association objects, which can implement custom query, join, and count methods
Use reflection to spec ActiveRecord associations
Get an ActiveRecord association count with ease and without worrying about N+1 queries. A small gem for ActiveRecord that allows...
Adds fast_copy method to has_and_belongs_to_many associations cloning associations much faster than the assignment operator. Adds ids methods to has_many and...
Provides a way to define callbacks of one ActiveRecord model into an associated one
Associate multiple models together and make them behave as one.
Input associated models directly by id
Provides features for easy access to 1C:Enterprise applications and 1C:Enterprise servers from Ruby code