Simple background processing framework for Ruby
A Ruby wrapper for the Assistly REST API
`aw` is a command line tool to automate software development workflows based on github pull requests.
light-weight application support
The Assist Ruby SDK provides Ruby APIs to create, process and manage payments.
Simple API Wrapper for Dribbble
Write a longer description. Optional.
FFI bindings of Assimp (Open Asset Import Library bindings) for version 4.1.0 onward
This is a ruby gem containing a language binding of the ASSIMP library.
Rails Engine that provides a management UI to assign models to each other
A simple stock price printing tool
A simple assigner gem
A gem for making fields that need partial value assignments easier
Fast serving Rails assets in development
It takes an HTML file, traverses over its scripts and stylesheets and minify them all into one file using UglifyJS2...
Rack middleware which will redirect every 404 assets requests
to the current digested version for the logical_path referenced...
Framework to define and publish assets on your Hanami application.
This gem selects files to be added to Asset precompilation. Useful when copiling assets directly in the production environment.
Raises an exception if assets are missing from config.assets.precompile during development
Asset Pipeline for Rails with your favourite js bundler
Assets On Heroku - CSS, JavaScript, Sass. Works with Rails, Merb and Rack apps
Rake tasks for asset packaging with Barista, Compass and Jammit
This is a ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper module extension that adds support for some additional view tags.
This gem is for cleaning up rails application by removing unused images, listing unused stylesheets and javascripts from application also...
This script generates an asset stub using the same directory structure and conventions that is usually shared in my projects....
assets helper is the helper that use to include css and javascript by controller name automatically
Asynchronous javascript, stylesheet for rails app
Manage CSS/JS assets as dynamic resources rather than static files
Using a config file (pocket) you can create multiple kind of assets groups
Asset Packager for the Crystal framework
Rails 3 libary that uploads all static assets to amazon s3
Improves Rails performance by caching asset path calculations
Sets the Rails asset precompilation path to compile everything except partials, and compile css last.
Add a routes helper for all asset pipeline needs
Localized precompiled assets for Rails
Provides view helpers to compute full paths for assets from manifest json file
Asset Pages is a library that augments the Jekyll static site generator with the Rails asset pipeline. Its collection of...
Minify for rails js and css
Easily merge and compress multiple asset files together (currently supports CSS and coffee-script).
Dead simple asset uploader attachments for your active record models
Load CSS and JS faster. Minifies, bundles, and optimizes CSS/JS assets ahead of time (e.g., on deploy), not at runtime....
The most efficient HTTP cache buster plugin evar.
Find javascripts and stylesheets. Configure precompile path.
This gem enables you to make the assets definition file easily but also you can upload the file you make...
Asset Compiler is a collection of Rake task libraries to lighten the load of asset management. These libraries allow you...
Adapted from asset bundling functionality in ActionPack.
Prototype version of webscarping at SET website
Hooks into rails asset:precompile task to remove the BOM from any CSS files generated by SASS. Firefox < 52 has...
The only thing you need for your assets.
AssertThat bdd integration for Ruby
Very minimal unit test lib for ruby.
Assertiva's API client written in Ruby.
This project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including assert_raise_message (allowing verification of error messages) and assert_greater_than.
Easy message expectation for tests in Ruby
Assert-methods (sugar) and a tiny DSL to facilitate testing of rack apps with Rack::Test.
Use Assert for testing Rails applications.
Assert with Rack::Test
Extra assertions for minitest
Allows to write 'assert_triggered event_name' in your tests.
assert_statistically is an addition to Unit::Test::Assertions that functions like assert_block. You can set a number of times to run the...
assert_same assertion
A gem to test JSON strings.
Generate assert code from a result inside a unit or integration test.
This is useful if you have code that...