Array Statistics adds statistical operations to the ruby Array class.
Write a longer description or delete this line.
check duplicates in an array of ranges
Adds `Array#to_proc`.
A little gem that gives you all partitions of an array into at most k sub-arrays
random useful methods for working with Ruby arrays and hashes
Array-like behavior for archival files.
Arrayie is a library which contains tools for working with Array in Ruby.
Simple DSL For Declaritive Arrays
This gem extends the Ruby class Array with a few useful methods. Just a bit of sugar.
A subclass of Array that offers event hooks for pre-insert/pre-set/pre-delete, insert/set/delete. ::HookedArray offers implicit reference to a configuration instance.
A simple gem to reformat an array of arrays into one of several string
formats: HTML table; CSV;...
Add Array#===
Condense unruly arrays!
Stores string arrays in files
Convert array to hash according to your defined formatter
A Rails plugin that provides some form helper methods for use array column.
Fast methods for ruby stats
Extend ruby Array. No override.
Extension for ActiveRecord that adds support for PostgreSQL array columns, mapping string values to integers.
Discard array elements during enumeration to free memory.
Efficient conversion of a Ruby Array to a lookup table-like Hash written in Rubex via a C extension.
The `handle_array_attribute` concern provides a flexible way to treat string attributes in a Rails model as arrays. This includes parsing...
This helper creates two methods to classes.
array_attribute and carray_attribute.
With these you can create methods that encapsulate...
Provides users with methods for performing common math functions on arrays.
Create mutable 2D arrays that allow you to change subarrays.
Event-hooked Array, Sorted Array, Unique Array, Sorted-Unique Array, Downward-Compositing Array, Downward-Compositing Sorted Array, Downward-Compositing Unique Array, Downward-Compositing Sorted-Unique Array.
Custom templates for Rails generators
An easy way to follow the "Arrange, Act, Assert" pattern in your Ruby on Rails tests
Arrangeable provides an organized and seamless way to sort your ActiveRecord objects by different attributes.
dead simple conversion of roman <> arabic numerals
The arr2hash gem provides a simple way to convert a 2D array into an array of hashes. The first row...
Is Perfect Square?
Processa documentos do condominio ph1341c118 para arquivo. Pode tambem segmentar PDFs e MINUTAS. Tendo os documentos em pastas separadas, pode...
Easing the query object pattern in Rails applications.
These RSpec matchers allow guarding against N+1 queries by specifying exactly how many queries you expect each of your ActiveRecord...
A utility class for building options for ActiveRecord.find.
count of querying
Keep your libraries in shape
Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.
Use a Postgres array column to manage a model's roles
ActiveRecord enhancements to optimize queries and insertion functionality. Includes support for finder index hints, ignore and duplicate update, insert select,...
A lightweight gem that calculates elo
Authorization Gem for Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects
To switch mac address for static arp endpoint.
This invokes arping command for health checking.
A pure ruby implementation of the AROW
This gem turns off schema introspection in favor of declaring properties in your models.
Instead, you declare the...
Pagination for Rails controllers.
Provides a few extensions to the Ruby core libraries
ActiveRecord Object Instrumenter: Instrument the creation of ActiveRecord objects
This is the start of a Puppet provisioning system.
It provides a graphical web service, a JSON rest...
A simple hello world gem
Allows easy access to the web thumbnail service of
Get random proverbs from
Based on
Fast access to database results without the memory overhead of ActiveRecord objects
This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a interface for replication and for running...
Multidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connections, such as primary/replica setups.
ar_mysql_flexmaster allows configuring N mysql servers in database.yml and auto-selects which is a master at runtime
Execute multithreaded code while still using transactional fixtures by synchronizing db access to a single connection
This gem contains some miscellaneous utilities for armoredcode security tools
Ruby gem for interacting with Armor Payments.
A PBKDF2 pure ruby implementation.
A simple configuration tool
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.
Hardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targeting USB armory Mk II devices from F-Secure
This library consists of a notification server for linux desktops and a correspondent ruby client API. It further contains a...
This library supports Design by Contract for Ruby.
Decorator Pattern for Ruby.