Antra is a Ruby-Application to analyse money-transactions on your local machine.
Sync changes to an ActiveRecord model to another model
Learn Enough Palindrome Detector
There's rapists out there. Use Antonio to quickly hide files and directories from the command line.
Hacked version of binarylogic/authlogic for mongoid support
ruby runtime for antlr4. antlr4 的 ruby 运行时。
A binding for the ANT ultra-low power wireless protocol via the Garmin USB ANT Stick. ANT can be used to...
This module helps to design persistance modules that are very configurable
about where and how to store data.
Package for creating self signed certificates for development purpose
This gems can be used along a server app with jsonformat messages
Gem for acsess to api ant pool
Helps to create CRUD objects from a config
Ant是用来访问LightCloud/TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant的工具,实现了持久化数据与对象的映射。 它类似于ActiveRecord,提供一组访问LightCloud/TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant的方法以及验证规则、回调函数和观察器。
ant to solve travelling salesman
A totally non-compliant syslog Rails logger
An antismoker plugin for smoke testing msgpack-rpc services.
Yet another HTTP smoke testing framework.
creating OS X Lion type scrollbars - Antiscroll, for Rails!
AntiSamy is a library to clean user-supplied HTML/CSS. This gem is a port of the anti-samy framework created for OWASP...
Calculate the antipodes of any point on Earth given latitude and longitude, or using geocoding
Coming soon.
DSL for writing scripts to drive TN5250 green-screen applications using Telnet via SSH tunneling
DSL for writing scripts to drive TN5250 green-screen applications
Antilles uses Mimic to set up a stub HTTP server that a CLI tool being tested
with cucumber/aruba can communicate...
Adds features to Time like before? and after? for handy comparisons and manipulation.
Antigate (Decode captcha service) wrapper for Ruby
Wrapper for Antigate API
Antidote is a small, highly experimental library that
performs runtime type...
Prevent spam from non-javascript bots
Prevent DELETE and PUT HTTP methods
Respond error for requests include some offensive string, that may crash browsers
Invert any object
Lazy load images without reflowing the page.
Turn number in binary units such as MiB, KiB or decimal prefixes G, T
Ruby bindings for the Anthropic API
A rubygem for parsing sim-racing results files.
apn_on_rails was developed by: markbates
Create MIME email messages with multiple body parts and attachments in Ruby
a command line interface for twitter, also a library which wraps the twitter api
A simple gem
The AntHill SMPP is a powerful networking library which implements SMPP protocol (v3.4 and 5.0) and supply different fail-over and...
anTeX implements a universal TeX integration pipeline to easily embed and render arbitrary code using any engine and dialect.
Learn how to develop the Gem package.
Antenna aims to take the pain out of creating and distributing all the necessary files for Enterprise iOS over-the-air distribution....
A lightweight and easy-to-use async pub/sub framework backed by ActiveJob
Nice and smart background jobs
Ruby wrapper for ANTECH Diagnostics web service.
Antbird is a yet another low level API client for the Elasticsearch HTTP interface.
Come se fosse antani
Braindead GitHub Development
Ruby extension library providing an API to PostgreSQL
Merb plugin that provides helpers for service
The Ruby SDK for the Antaeus Guest Management SDK
ant does some heavy lifting
(Deprecated: Use datahen gem instead.) Compatibility alias for DataHen toolbelt to develop scrapers and other scripts.
The core of Answers Platform. This handles the common functionality and is required by most extensions
Generator and Engines for the Answers Platform
The pragmaticgp gem provides a simple framework for building, running and managing genetic programming experiments which automatically discover algorithms and...
A json-renderable result object working well with AR, AM Serializers, and Rails.
anstaendig is a extendable script to rip movie clips from TV station media center sites.
Wrapping the DPLA APIs in Rails-like models and relations
Wrapping the Blacklight/RSolr in Rails-like models and relations
Converts ANSI codes to HTML tags
Ruby port of the ansispan JS library.
An extremely simple library to convert between ANSI and IRC color codes.
A command-line tool to convert PNG images to ANSI escape codes.
A lightweight Ruby wrapper around Ansible that allows for ad-hoc commands and playbook execution.
A ruby implementation of Ansible's vault utilities. Currently supports the AES256 variant, no support for the original AESformat is planned.
PopulateTools Ansible Utils
Ansible Tower REST API wrapper gem
Ansible Tools e.g. Create directory by BestPractice
A library to render texts with ANSI escape sequences. Revived from RubyForge.
Ruby-ANSI.SYS is a library to render texts with ANSI escape sequences.
A little command line utility that showcases Term::ANSIColor
This gem allows you to select array elements (where an array is some arbitrary input) with a pretty text user...
ANSIString is a String library that is ANSI-sequence-aware
Converter for complete ANSI SGR codes to HTML. Similar to ansitags gem, but smaller output (no nested spans), faster (converts...
A gem for helping you color strings with ANSI escape codes.
Extends the String class to handle basic ANSI escape sequences
ANSI state and county codes.
Colorizes text terminal output by converting custom HTML-like tags into color ANSI escape sequences.
ansibler is a Ruby gem that provides utility classes for modeling, reading and writing Ansible inventory and playbook files.
Ansible provides a conveniance method to your Rails controllers for creating SSEs.
A small command line helper that helps automate repetitive
Commandline tool to sync Ansible Galaxy Metadata
Ansible dynamic inventory script generator for Engine Yard Cloud
CLI for generating documentation of Ansible roles based on...
Ansible is a fast (somewhat rough) conversion tool that takes a string with ANSI
escapes and produces HTML.