A simple cyptocurrency based on bitcoin
Library to control the build traffic light. Yes, we can…
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Amp's required plugin, providing core functionality (such as repository detection
and amp-specific command validations) to all other plugins.
A starter pack for AMP-based (amp.dev) Jekyll sites
Version Control in Ruby. Mercurial Compatible. Big Ideas.
With Amountable, you can easily attach, organize and sum Ruby money fields to your models without migrating.
Amount Inflector for year/month/week/day (Croatian)
Amount formatting for Ruby.
Rails gem/plugin that accepts (amount) values in german or us format like 1.234,56 or 1,234.56
An amount of money with currency and 18-digit precision.
A simple server that determines the model and action data based upon the incoming url.
Tools for mortgage calculations etc
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algorithms, and more
Amok Time is designed for end-to-end testing distributed systems where certain behavior is time-based.
It works by allowing any client...
"Build for merge amoeba for sql query"
Easy Chef Solo / Knife operation with Amoeba Deploy Tools.
An extension to ActiveRecord to allow the duplication method to also copy associated children, with recursive support for nested of...
Rails wrapper API AmoCrm
A tool to make your computer amnesic"
With Amnesia you'll know exactly whats happening with memory when it comes to memcached.
Ammu Socket Manager is a simple WebSocket Manager that absracts the task of creating and maintaining connections.
Description of gem for this application
Amitto: retrieve sanctioned people and organizations from various published sources
Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators
A Ruby gem to generate lottery drawings.
Using Ammado API with Ruby (and Rails). https://api.ammado.com/
Abstract Markup Language is a robust and feature rich markup language designed to avoid repetition and promote clear, well-indented markup.
A simple hello world gem
awesome_gem is the best
Action logging for Amistad friendship model
A gem that formats time intervals as relative dates in Ruby/Rails
Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails application. Acl9 makes it easy to get...
Ackr is the smallest subset of ack/rak/ag I can think of. For lazy developers
my first gem
Find a free TCP/UDP port
An adapter for Rails::ActiveRecord ORM to the KirbyBase pure-ruby DBMS
Paperclip Watermark processor
Add width, height and size methods to paperclip images
Forum engine for Rails 4 and mongoid. Forked from https://github.com/NJayDevelopment/mongoid_forums
AckRocketCMS - RocketCMS fork - Mongoid metapackage
Items catalog with AckRocketCMS support.
AckRocketCMS - RocketCMS fork - ActiveRecord metapackage
RocketCMS fork
Mongoid / ActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management
Jcrop plugin for rails admin. Forked from https://github.com/janx/rails_admin_jcrop Image cropping made easy!
Uses the FaviconMaker library for generating favicons in various formats from a single .png source file.
Idempotent operations for Rails apps, built on top of ActiveJob.
rubygem for commandlinefu
Provides enhancements to ActiveRecord to handle spatial datatypes in PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Achiever is a simple way to add achievements into your rails application.
Achievements is an abstract, Redis-backed, counter based achievements engine
designed to be included in Model classes in web...
The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the size of the string.
Sending commands to a small thermal printer
A gem for interacting with the Chef Automate 2+ API
Helth Calculator for BMI, Standard weight, Rohrer index and its standard weight
Return your BMI and Best Wight.
BMI to
This is fizz-buzz calculator.
A simple bin gem
ex) Age.cal(1999,10,22)
Kadai4 exercise in Framework Seminar.
simple command and control based on redis
Use FakeS3 to test basic S3 functionality without actually connecting to S3
A small tool to check the status of your Apache vhosts
Get easily the information of Amazon EC2 Machine Images
An easy, convention-over-configuration builder for Packer images.
In-memory triple store
ActiveRecord 2.3 compatible gem "allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them." Yes, like acts_as_paranoid, only with...
Allows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead of overwriting them.
Collapse allows a hash with arrays as values to merge and union common arrays instead of overwriting them.
Check if your service blocked by adblockers
A tool to build AMIs using kickstart
A tool to assist in building EC2 AMIs