The SDK of the ALIS
In some cases alias UNIX command can't satisfy you. Alis allows you create more flexible aliases, for example to add...
Generates Google Pay test dummy tokens
Validates Google Pay tokens
An unofficial simple alipay mini program gem
An unofficial simple gem
A Ruby Interface to Alipay Payment Gateway. Unofficial.
This gem can help you integrate Alipay Dual-function Payment.
An unofficial simple alipay gem
alinta-testing performs common tasks for end to end tests in cucumber.
A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifying actions: get, put, post,...
Ruby FFI library
Series of BDD cucumber rules for testing API endpoints
Aliyun OTS from ruby client
Basic web framework in Ruby.
Práctica sobre la información nutricional de un producto específico
Descripcion de la gema
sumario de la gema
Gema para calcular el indice calorico de un alimento
Representa alimentos
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Clase Ruby para la Practica 10 de Lenguajes y Paradigmas de Programacion.
Huella nutricional
Clase Alimento que almacena los nutrientes y calcula en Valor Energético
Alimento contiene información relevante para la identificación y cálculo del valor energético
Calculadora de calorías de macronutrientes muy básica.
Clase alimento creada para la práctica 6 de LPP
Gema 'Alimento' para LPP.
Gema 'alimento' LPP 17/18
Esta gema contiene los archivos con la implementación de las prácticas de la asignatura de Lenguajes y Paradigmas de Programación.
Desarrollo de la clase Alimento para calcular su valor energético usando TDD.
Gema que describe un alimento.
Gema para representar alimentos con sus propiedades y calcular su valor calorico
Clase para representar alimentos en función de sus macronutrientes
Crear una clase Alimento que contenga los grupos de nutrientes y sus cantidades
Test for Alienor
Ruby interface to Alien Technology ARCA enabled readers.
a simple ruby sdk for alidns.
A slightly customized version of SASS. To get the official
SASS release, please run ==> gem install...
阿里大于发送短信通知插件, 可以发送验证码并且验证验证码,发送任何文字短信
Alidayu sms sdk ruby version of Aliyun.
阿里大鱼发送短信ruby sdk
alidayu change itself api require method, old version is no longer valid
alidayu_sms send.
Ruby Wrapper for Alidayu SMS API.
a gem to use sms service with alidayu
Highly configurable dumb auto-scaler for managing unicorn web servers
Composable CLI tool suite
A simple hello world gem
Get tons of express information easily from ali express service.
ali dayu sms & voice
If a categorical distribution has k distinct values, traditional approaches will require O(k) work to pick an outcome with the...
Aliasing makes recommendations of potential aliases based on your bash history
Tired of changing directories often to commonly used projects? Just type `aliasify <alias-name>` and the gem will create an alias...
Make classes, modules, and constants accessible via a different namespace
Alias Manager finds which of your aliases are unused and which ones can be improved
Creates aliases of ActiveRecord named scopes.
This tool is to visualize alias usage to parse command history. You can evaluate whether you use alias efficiently or...
Provides alias_method_chain for transitions to Rails 5.1. Don't use this Gem.
For some reason Rails does not appear to easily expose the aliases returned by ActiveSupport's alias_method_chain. This adds methods for...
A small piece of code that provide with the ability the alias class name to improve, or avoid typing long...
Blocks the alias keyword and Module#alias_method, forcing programmers to carefully consider their usage of these features.
Creates aliases for class methods, instance methods, constants, delegated methods and more. Aliases can be easily searched or saved as...
Gem to interact with AlgoSec API
don't skip this or this will be left what it is like now.
Iron maiden
A modfication of the algorithms gem to include the latest String function
This gem was created with the intention of developing my skills as a programmer and also provides help for beginners...
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algorithms, and more
Calculates algorithms and data structures for sorting and searching. Selects best one to use for particular data set.
File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
Useful algorithms for everyday usage implemented using Ruby.
Computes the differences between two arrays of elements
This gem provides the implementation of CLRS algorithms
algoplot uses Gnuplot to generate growth plots given N and functions.
Send events to and monitor your workflows in real-time.
AlgoliaSearch integration to your favorite ORM
Algolia Places library packaged for the Asset Pipeline
A command line tool for Algolia
REST Client for Algolia PLACES API
Take any arbitrary HTML as input and extract its content as a list of records, including contents and hierarchy.
create a gem for using algolia ruby gem
Logic bundle.