Generates voice interfaces for Alexa apps based on templates.
Make a discovery game for Alexa!
A sinatra middleware for alexa couhpotato actions.
This plugin will send notification to Typetalk.
Google Stackdriver plugin for alerty
Slack plugin for alerty.
mail plugin for alerty
ikachan plugin for alerty
alerty plugin for Datadog Event
Amazon SNS plugin for alerty
Send an alert if a given command failed
Easily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed
Common interface to alertpay request params.
A Ruby interface for the alertMe API used by Brittish Gas in the HIVE Active Heating system, Very limited at...
Use Alertify.js ( with Rails 3, 4 and 5
Use Alertify.js with Rails 3 and 4
Api (and CLI) to interface with
Alerter is a simple way to show pop up alerts
A simple Gem that allows you to report your monitoring events to
Helper to add alert messages (including flash .. aah! messages) to an Hanami application.
Nagios alerts go to twitter
Make sure you get mailed when bad things happen to your server.
A feature rich API client for AlertLogic Threat Manager
Ruby gem to send signals to alertgrid
Contracts and adaptation for Ruby
AtCoder CLI developed in Ruby.
A Cli building toolkit. See README for more details.
Ruby wrapper for the REST API at Documentation at
Command-line option parser and command interface.
Import externally managed Bower assets via Rails Sprockets while preserving links to relative dependencies, and maintaining hash digests in production.
Accio is a code snippet management tool for the terminal
A range with accessible attributes. V 0.2.0 provides all range functions.
Functional lenses for Ruby, borrowed from Elixir
Sometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the data in your database. Accessorize...
Extends String and Symbol instances with variable/accessor methods, provides swizzling helpers, provides accessor-related math for transforming :accessor, :reader, :writer.
A Ruby library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.
A Rails library to log and analyse HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.
Common styles and utilities used across our projects
A Rails library to log and analyse Rails HTTP requests using the Access Watch cloud service.
Wrapper for OAuth2::Token to automatically refresh the expiry token when expired.
Retrieves an access token from an OAuth2 provider using the supplied credentials.
Access token for client-side and API authentication.
Abstract object pooling for cool people. See homepage
AccessSchema is a tool for ACL or tariff plans schema definition and checks
Authorization for Rails
Object oriented authorization for ruby.
Adds sequencing functionality to Alephant.
"Scout URLs to see if they are valid"
Render HTML snippets
Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages
Preview component templates
Lookup a location in S3 using DynamoDB.
StatsD driver for Alephant Logger gem.
alephant-logger driver enabling structured logging in JSON
Cloudwatch driver for Alephant::Logger
More Stuff
Simple abstraction layer over S3 for get/put.
Brokers requests for alephant components
Alephant framework
Aleph Alpha Ruby Client
The best way to develop and share queries/investigations/results within an analytics team
A Jekyll boilerplate theme designed to be a starting point for any Jekyll website. Rather than starting from scratch, this...
Middleware for profiling Rack-compatible apps using perftools.rb
Makes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems by compiling and serving it up for you.
A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger methods only after the...
Write a longer description. Optional.
Gem responsible for joining 1 or more PDF in the same file.
Tem a funcionalidade de prover métodos prontos de manipulação de data, moeda e outros
Alego SGU Auth...
the Alef font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline (
A gem that provides a client interface for the alec error logger
alea is a tiny gem that aim to bring some aleatory behavior to ruby Kernel.
Easy to use air quality of major cities. Everything has been parsed for you and ready to use.
Rails brave new world
A library for transforming hashes
Aldebaran is Web-development DSL micro-framework written with Mathematical Constructions
Make zero downtime deployments easier allowing developers to promote environment variables
A Ruby library for live-coding music with Alda.
Coming soon
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Play the famous Alchemy game from your terminal.
This gem adds a user manual module to your alchemy cms driven application.