Programmatically generate beautiful header images for blogs or social media accounts.
Docker container orchestration tool for swarm cluster.
ALGLIB - is a multilingual collection of algorithms designed to solve problems in the field of numeric analysis and data...
58 Wilayas. 548 Dairas. Support both Arabic and French languages. This project was inspied by Laravel-algerography.
Algernon is a mini MVC framework built on Ruby.
Generates autoloader script for your Ruby library.
Provides algebraic type definitions and pattern matching
A typed query builder for ruby, basically
This gem provides the capability to ruby to interact with Alfresco CMS. This gem is providing two methods upload document...
**Core API** Provides access to the core features of Alfresco Content Services.
**Search API** Provides access to the search features of Alfresco Content Services.
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
Wrapper for Alfred 2's Workflows
AlfredLite is a lightweight modular framework for creating Alfred workflows.
Easily generate Alfred 3 workflow results in a fluent manner.
Alfred creates fixture files of your controller responses so you can use them in your tests. Ideal if your app's...
Android Library Finder
Library and measures to create input and output points in Alfalfa
Alfalfa can be used to alphabetize cumbersome gemfiles.
This project implements an abstract SQL compiler for Alf expressions
This project implements the `alf` commandline tool.
This project implements an Alf adapter on top of the awesome sequel toolkit.
Provides a RESTful interface for relational databases.
This project provides a Alf-driven web REPL to any database
This gems provides Rack middleware to use the full power of Alf in web
This gem provides support for using the formal documentation of Alf.
rsyncdiff is a tool for comparing local and remote code. It displays changes, deletions and diffs.
Loom is a helpdesk web app which supports exception handling and notifications.
Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
Daemon launching and management made dead simple. With daemon-spawn you can start, stop and restart processes that run in the...
You like command-line parsing, but you hate all of the bloat. Why should you have to create a Hash, then...
A simple hello world gem, do not download it
Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task
Create ActiveRecord models from an existing database
AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects.
Top-level domain library
Term extraction library
Provides ISO codes and names for countries.
ISO country code and currency library
A Sitemap generator specifically designed for large sites (although it works equally well with small sites)
Sorry, but this gem ('alexpass') has been replaced by 'altpass'. See RubyGems and GitHub (
Write a longer description or delete this line.
A thermostat gem (small application exercise)
basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing some hooks into Rack::Flash
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications
Allows you execute RScript
Provides generated HTML data for Rails App.
Tags assets in Rails app css files with asset query strings.
RSRuby is a bridge library for Ruby giving Ruby developers access to the full R statistical programming environment. RSRuby embeds...
Hopscotch is a framework for making product tours on web pages. This gem makes it easy to include the framework...
Google Data Api ClientLogin Auth in Ruby
An example gem set up with CI and CD.
W3C Validators is a Ruby wrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium's online validation services.
Validate e-mail addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696.
A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a holiday!
Randomizes stuff
Restarts your app when a file changes
Amazon Alexa Skill Management API Client
A sinatra middleware for using alexa commands with transmission.
Full top to bottom toolbox for creating a custom Alexa skill.
Simple library to interface with the Alexa Skills Kit
Testing of rubygems
Codebreaker game business logic
A simple computr game. Just type sea_battle after instalation
There are three modes of playing
Alexandrite is a gem that fetches public book's information by different params based
on Google Book API and OCLC API...
Ruby/ZOOM provides a Ruby binding to the Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model (ZOOM), an abstract object-oriented programming interface to a subset of...
GNOME application for managing collections of books
Phone number parser and tel link creator.
A Rack middleware to compile XML+XSLT into HTML for unsupported browsers only
Primarily used to convert the JSON into a Session, Request, and Intent
The gem adds additional capabilities to your rails app to serve as a backend for your Alexa skill by providing...
Easily construct Alexa responses
This gem is designed to work with Sinatra applications that serve as back-ends for Amazon Alexa skills.
Experimental project to play or pause Alexa's music player using the SPA API
Convert Alexa requests into a tree of Ruby objects and values.
Respond to Alexa like never before
A platform to allow easy integration with Alexa in your new or existing Rails project
A command line tool for generating singing_assistant middleware templates.
A sinatra middleware for alexa hue actions.
A sinatra middleware for checking halo stats with alexa.