Human Resource Component Installer
Yii 3 application template
Flash message service
Yii3 Mailer Services
PHP Helpers
A MongoDB cache driver for Laravel
Mailer service for module user
Translations for module user
A small cache repository.
View for extension user with bulma css framework
Complete newsletter management system
A package to integrate your PHP app with the QualP API
Yii Framework API project template
Yii Translator gettext Message Storage API-client for Yii2
Collision is a Yii extension that provides a set of classes for collision detection.
It is an extension for Yii framework 2 that gives an ability to use identity map for any ActiveRecord model.
The TYPO3 CMS and installer
ThinkPHP v6.0 Development Library
Tool for easy and powerful data validations
Games API used to buy games and manage orders from platform.
The FontAwesome extension for Yii2.
Imperavi Redactor WYSIWYG widget (OEM-licensed for Yii).
yimba sdk Yimba Flutter SDK # Installation # dart pub add yimba_sdk copied to...
yingyongshijianxuliefenxilidongfeng 2024.3.5.0 应用时间序列分析(李东风) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yingyong-shijian-xulie-fenxi-li-dongfeng docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
A small command which places a logline in every controller, to start the process of using logs in big projects.
PHP client for Producteev
Shopware 6 plugin for adding WebP support
Allows loading Code Igniter as a bundle and eases migration to Symfony.
Facebook ads api sdk for laravel
sms send
clear,simple Yii2
helps get the stream meta data for audio player
Laravel Package for Polymorphic Profiles
Symfony TmswKitvideoBundle
yizz plugin yizz_plugin 0.0.4 # Flutter常用工具类 使用 # 在程序入口需要初始化service服务 initServices() async {...
CLI to convert between YAML, TOML, JSON and HCL
yj gromore sdk Flutter版穿山甲Gromore广告插件 # 特点 # 引入了最新的融合SDK(具体新特性请查看官方文档) 使用kotlin和swift语言开发 提供了较为完整的广告配置和回调事件...
This project contains the API definition, interfaces, and data objects for data exchange with BO
Class finder utility
Used to manage site themes for front and back end Laravel
Desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
yjviewer 0.2.3 YJViewer
yjy android usb print yjy_android_usb_print # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
yjy barcode image barcode_image # Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate barcodes using the...
yjy country picker plus Country Picker Plus 🌎 # A flutter package to display list of...
yjy cry cry # 一个Flutter组件包,包含button、form、dataTable、dialog、imageUpload、root、toggleButton、transfer、treeTable 安装 # dependencies: cry: <latest_version> copied to...
yjy dc datatable paginator ScreenShot # Usage # Add...
yjy drago pos printer drago_pos_printer # This plugin allow developer to print to esc printer both...
yjy esc pos utils esc_pos_utils # Base Flutter/Dart classes for ESC/POS printing. Generator class...
yjy esc pos utils new esc_pos_utils # Base Flutter/Dart classes for ESC/POS printing. Generator...
yjy fiscal printer Fiscal Printer # In order to easily interface with different brands of fiscal...
yjy flutter bluetooth printer flutter_bluetooth_printer # A flutter plugin for print a receipt over bluetooth thermal...
yjy flutter bluetooth printer platform interface flutter_bluetooth_printer_platform_interface # A flutter plugin platform interface for flutter_bluetooth_printer
yjy flutter date range picker Date Range Picker 📅 Date Range Picker is a user-friendly and...
yjy flutter date range picker single Date Range Picker 📅 Date Range Picker is a user-friendly...
yjy flutter printer plus flutter_printer_plus # flutter 端 【小票、标签】打印能力实现,直接将 flutter widget 转图像数据进行打印。 支持传输方式:usb连接、网络连接。 使用方式...
yjy google maps flutter Google Maps for Flutter # A Flutter plugin...
yjy hik print service yjy_hik_print_service # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
yjy image 3 3 0 image # Overview # A Dart...
yjy multi dropdown A dropddown package for flutter that allows you to select multiple items from a...
yjy pax self service yjy_pax_self_service # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
yjy printing Printing # A plugin that allows Flutter apps to generate and print documents...
yjy simple cry cry # 一个Flutter组件包,包含button、form、dataTable、dialog、imageUpload、root、toggleButton、transfer、treeTable 安装 # dependencies: cry: <latest_version> copied...
yjy stripe checkout Stripe Checkout For Flutter # ⚠️ Important! # This package is being...
yjy sumsun self service yjy_sumsun_self_service # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
yjy sunmi scan self service yjy_sunmi_scan_self_service # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started #
yjy tflite flutter Overview # TensorFlow Lite Flutter plugin provides a flexible and fast solution for...
yjy tsc utils tsc_utils # 标签打印机 TSC 数据转换工具,主要用于将 image 图像转换成标签打印机可识别的字节数组。 内部图像处理使用 image: ^3.0.2 。...