yjy viva wallet pos Viva Wallet POS Flutter # This is a flutter plugin for Android...
yjy vivawallet pos service yjy_vivawallet_pos_service # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
Library to validate YubiKey OTPs against YubiCloud
Dumps the Drupal container to a file for use with static analysers.
Video downloader that focus on China mainland video sites
ykdl 1.8.2 YouKuDownLoader A video downloader focus on China mainland video sites. Origin...
ykfsectionviewmodel ykfsectionviewmodel # YKFlutterSectionViewModel Getting Started # For help getting started with Flutter development,...
ykfstorekit ykfstorekit # YKFlutterStoreKit Getting Started # For help getting started with Flutter development,...
Tool for managing your YubiKey configuration
yknetworking README
YubiKey personalization library and tool
Demu service API SDK
This package for creating simple auth
Download Yle videos from the command-line
yledl 20240927 Download videos from Yle servers Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Antti Ajanki,...
Fork of USAePay's Transaction library for PHP that includes composer package support.
Easily manage and create multiple timed tasks with PHP
Provide AMP HTML conversion to your Symfony2/Symfony3 projects.
A Symfony OpenGraph bundle
third package
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Rapidly generate resources, migrations, models, and much more.
ymcalculator 0.0.1 This is a very basic calculator Change Log 0.0.1 (26/05/2021)...
this is single package
ymchat flutter ymchat-flutter # Documentation # For integration and usage refer documentation https://docs.yellow.ai/docs/platform_concepts/mobile/chatbot/flutter Demo...
ymci 0.1.4 UNKNOWN
ym flutter integration ym_flutter_integration # A Flutter plugin for integrating Yellow Messenger chatbots in...
ym lyric Display lrc lyrics in flutter app. Features # TODO: Display other app lyrics...
ynab A Dart library for working with the YNAB API. Inspired from the YNAB JS SDK.
ynab api YNAB Api # A Very Good Project created...
YNABWeekly 1.0.4 YNAB Weekly Spending Reports with Python If you want weekly mail with top 10...
Laravel Web Installer | A Web Installer
Your Package Description here
Laravel package to easily use Serpro Datavalid API
PHP Client for Solaris platform
CLI tool for running Yeoman generators
Generate pure html files based on a PHP file and a mock.
Yoast PHP development environment.
yo button pkg flutter package example # Features # This is a simple Flutter package...
cors for Lumen
This yocLibrary enables your project to encode and decode WBXML data in PHP.
yoda Yoda Flutter plugin # Flutter widget that let you slice any kind of child widget...
yodapluspy 0.9.1 Yodaplus-py, a fork of gnosis-py, includes a set of libraries to work with XDC and...
yodapowers 1.0.1 Table of Contents About this package Install Global...
yodelaldenq 0.0.1 Yodel Yodel is a python library that uses WIFI hardware for remote control purposes....
YodelAldenQ 0.0.1 Yodel Yodel is a python library that uses WIFI hardware for remote control purposes....
yodelnet 0.1.0 Yodel Yodel is a python library that uses WIFI hardware for remote control purposes....
yodo1mas Yodo1 MAS Flutter Plugin # This Plugins enables to integrate Yodo1 MAS (Managed Ad Service)...
yodo1maslite Yodo1 MAS Lite Flutter Plugin # This Plugins enables to integrate Yodo1 MAS (Managed Ad...
yodomas ads module yodomas_ads_module # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
yodosdk Yodo Sdk # Installation # Import yodo sdk import 'package:yodosdk/yodosdk.dart'; copied to...
yodu 0.0.4 Join our community About Yodu.ai A generic purpose Recommender System that...
This is a demo IoC container, please do NOT use it in production
Yii 3 application template
Lua stubs for Crayta
composer package that allows you to monitor and retrieve custom stats about your running php script
Log management library.
Model And Domain Driven Architecture
This first project is aimed to learn only
yoginth 2.1.1 Yoginth The Yoginth CLI Install $ pip install...
yogurt editor Features # Custom your diagrams editor. Getting started # To start using...
yogurt event bus A library that provides support for synchronous and asynchronous event bus functionality. Features...
Provides a facade for the eluceo/ical package.
Symfony 3 Bundle integrating the Jasper Server REST v2 client (Jaspersoft/rest-client)
Convert HTML to Markdown when pasting.
Generate reset_password_token
Add comments and star ratings to your existing CakePHP applications with ease.
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An extension of SplFileObject that uses exceptions.
Build complex Eloquent & QueryBuilder queries automatically when using jQuery-QueryBuilder
Yoke: SSH Connection Manager/Wallet
Extend Laravel 5's generators.
yoloextension 0.3.20 The author of this package has not provided a project description