yolo realtime plugin flutter_yolo_realtime_plugin # This is a flutter implementation that supports YOLO Realtime Object Detection.
yolov4 3.2.0 tensorflow-yolov4 YOLOv4 Implemented in Tensorflow 2. >=v3, :exclamation: Do not try to train....
yolov8posetriton 8.2.0 中文 | 한국어 | 日本語 | Русский | Deutsch | Français | Español | Português...
yolov8rknn 8.0.151 Get model optimized for RKNN Exports detection/segment model with optimization for RKNN, please refer...
yomidict 0.1.7 yomidict Create frequency dictionaries for yomichan out of media. Currently supported formats are:...
Matrix Renderer (QR Code)
The Illuminate Database modified package to works with Silex application and PHP 5.3.
Eloquent ORM encapsulation of Elasticsearch for Laravel
Laravel package for Workers Compensation Insurance
yonomi device widgets Yonomi Device Widgets - Flutter # Device...
yonomi platform sdk Yonomi Dart SDK # The...
yookassa client yookassa_client # Dart REST client for Yookassa Payments API Get started #...
yookassa payments flutter YooKassa Payments SDK #
A simple library to wrap common notification transports, such as email, socket.io and etc.
Yo PHP SDK is the official SDK wrapper for the Yopify Yo API service
Document store for collaborative applications
Push content to Apple News.
yorubanames yoruba-names # Get a random yoruba name Usage in # See the example/main.dart...
yoruba tts Yoruba TTS flutter package # Check out Hugging Face homepage Getting Started...
Moved to Varbase Project https://github.com/Vardot/varbase-project
Doctrine extension for Behat
yoti flutter Yoti Doc Scan Package for Flutter (Unofficial) # Yoti is an identity checking platform...
you 0.5.0.dev1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
youart 0.0.2 Youart monitor and save multiple UARTs. Publish pip install wheel twine...
youcab 0.1.3 YouCab: Converts MeCab Parsing Results to Python Objects ...
youcan pay YouCan Pay Dart SDK # This is Dart/Flutter SDK for YouCan Pay APIs, which...
youcanpay sdk YouCanPay Flutter SDK makes it quick and easy to build an excellent payment experience in...
you cli you_dart # A package that facilitates for dart applications. Features #
you dart you_dart # A package that facilitates for dart applications. Features #
you dart internal _you_dart_internal # A dart package internal use. Features # ...
you flutter you_flutter # A package that facilitates for dart/flutter applications. Features # Features...
you flutter internal you_flutter # A package that facilitates for dart/flutter applications. Features #...
youget 0.4.1730 You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from...
yougetknifes 0.4.1555.2 You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from...
ZN Framework Tests
Package providing helper functions for a Laravel REST-API
Authentication module for Laravel 5.4 and phpBB 3.2
youkuupload 0.1.1 youku-upload Upload videos to Youku from the command line Install pip install...
youlive 1.1.4 you-live Live Recorder A live recorder focus on China mainland livestream...
youliveplus 2.0.0 you-live-plus Live Recorder A live recorder focus on China mainland livestream...
YouMeb's NLP tools
youme rtc engine youme_rtc_engine # Youme RTC SDK Plugin for flutter. Usage # To...
youmi flutter plugin youmi_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
YouMP3 3.1.1 You-MP3 The tool for downloading music from YouTube The program is an abstraction...
APIne is a simple to use modular MVC Framework ready for use as a basic RESTful API.
Simple gRPC alternative for existing projects.
A Peridot plugin to simplify testing Lumen applications
Command-line tool that draw plots on the terminal
youplusauthplugin Plugin for PlusAuth
Acme example plugin for Sylius.
your alertbox
your analytics Your Analytics - Flutter Client SDK : A Flutter plugin to use the Your...
yourinrolltoolsgame yourinrolltoolsgame # A classic game of solitaire to flutter Getting Started # This...
yournotes 0.1 aa)
yourpackagename TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
your snackbar Your SnackBar # Flutter customizable SnackBar Usage # Add function "showYourSnackbar" for...
your splash your_splash # A Flutter...
WIP library with Wikibase specific code for addwiki
Zmq broadcasting driver for Laravel
youtazhoulidaxuepythongdalkechengbiji 2024.3.5.0 犹他州立大学 Python GDAL 课程笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/youta-zhoulidaxue-python-gdal-kecheng-biji docker run...
Youthweb OAuth 2.0 Client Provider
youtube This Flutter package provides functionalities to retrieve and manage YouTube video information, including details about the...
youtube2ipfs 0.3 youtube2ipfs Download videos from YouTube (and similar video platforms) and add them to IPFS.
youtube2mp3 2.0.7 youtube2mp3 A wrapper to simplify youtube downloads with yt-dlp Downloaded files will be...
youtube api YouTube API (youtube_api) # A Flutter plugin for fetching interacting with YouTube...
youtube api client YouTube API Client (youtube_api_client) # Forked (all restructured and improved) from youtube_api...
youtube api v3 Youtube API v3 (youtube_api3) # Flutter package for Youtube API v3. v0.0.3
youtube appbar view youtube_appbar_view # Installation # If the juneflow project doesn't exist,...
youtubebatch 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
youtube box thumbnail Youtube Box Thumbnail # Package used to display video thumbnail box from youtube
youtube captioned player This Library was prepared using video_player and youtube_explode_dart. Video...
youtube caption scraper A Dart package that parses lyrics from YouTube. No authentication is required. Usage...
youtube cc Youtube CC Package # Description # Dart package with closed captions for Youtube...
youtube client youtube_client #
youtube dart Youtube Dart # Youtube dart for scrape youtube in cross platform and support server...
youtubedlhelper 0.0.16 Drag and drop URLs from your browser to this application to download YouTube videos...
youtube downloader youtube_downloader # youtube_downloader is a Flutter package that allows the developers to download youtube...