HTTP Provider Abstraction
yastr 0.1.0 Yet Another Simple Test Runner A simple test runner for just calling executables and...
Tool to audit AWS/GCP infrastructure for misconfiguration or security issues
yatfs 0.4.0 yatfs is a filesystem where every file is backed by bittorrent. You can work...
YatfsRpc 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Currency converter package
A basic annotation-based ACL package
yatter 1.1.5 YATTER The tool translates...
Patch version update tool
yaval 0.0.1.post3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
cli config difference generator
ya video player ya_video_player # A YET ANOTHER Video player Flutter plugin for iOS, Android and...
ability to inject other contexts to steps methods
Get your yawave publications direct to your Typo3.
A client for
ya websocket ya_websocket # 一个使用 iOS 和 Android 上原生库进行 WebSocket 通信的 Flutter 插件。 Flutter plugin...
This package provides a migration module for yawik. Migrate database changes.
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides a ABM Doctrine Entity
yawp 2.1.1 usage: yawp [-h] [-V] [-H] [-v] [-M USAGE_MODE] [-y TEXT_EDITOR] [-l] [-w CHARS_PER_LINE] [-g]...
yawrap 0.4.10 Yawrap is a powerful, lightweight, pythonic pseudo-static HTML builder that works with: ...
YAX 1.2.0 Yet Another XML parser is a powerful event-based memory-efficient Python module. It analyses the...
yaycl 0.3.0 # YAYCL: YAML Configuration loader and cacheAll YAML files stored in the given directory are...
yayclcrypt 0.4.0 # yaycl Encrypted Yaml SupportA [yaycl]( plugin to seamlessly load encypted yamls,as well as helper...
Very simple event handler.
yaz yaz # Yaz Package for State, Content and User's Options Managements Introduction...
yazdl 0.1.0 yazdl Yet Another zoomdl Download zoom recordings Installation
Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
C++ API for the Yaz toolkit
yb alertview plugin yb_alertview_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
ybe 0.3.6 Ybe is a software package supporting a YAML based file format for importing, exporting...
Symfony bundle for Imagify
yb flutter lib core 一个简单易用的Flutter核心库 # 包含:网络、权限、缓存、工具类等常用库封装。 Example #
yb flutter lib ui 一个灵活的FlutterUI组件库 # 包含常用组件如:按钮、文本、下拉框、装饰背景等。 包含跨端插件如:图片选择器、语音视频等。 Example #
yb flutter quill A rich text editor for Flutter
yb image utils yb_image_utils # 一个图片圆角工具组件 Getting Started # This project is a starting...
ybjd erp推送
yb pull to refresh flutter_pulltorefresh # ...
ybpythonjenkins 1.7.1003 Python Jenkins is a python wrapper for the Jenkins REST API which aims to...
ycbase baseWidget # 随便写的几个基类文件 Usage # to /example folder. const like = 'sample';
ycchuangyeke2018zhongwenbiji 2024.3.5.0 YC 创业课 2018 中文笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yc-chuangye-ke-2018-zhongwen-biji docker run...
ycchuangyeke2019zhongwenbiji 2024.3.5.0 YC 创业课 2019 中文笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yc-chuangye-ke-2019-zhongwen-biji docker run...
Friendly breadcrumbs for Symfony applications.
SDK for shopex prism platform
wechat & alipay
yc plugin learn yc_plugin_learn # flutter项目嵌入原生代码、嵌入原生view,双方交互事件,在原生插件中使用第三方工具, /** 本插件项目主要演示以下几个方面,主要用于教学使用 1。flutter与原生互相传递事件信息 2。在原生项目中使用第三方包glide加载图片,主要用于演示如何在插件中使用第三方包
Expose your models through an api in a minute!
y crdt y_crdt # y.js ( Dart port, a CRDT implementation. CRDTs allow for local, offline...
ydart Ydart is a dart binding of the Yrs Features # List what your package...
ydataquality 0.1.0 ydata-quality ydata_quality is an open-source python library for assessing Data Quality throughout the multiple...
ydatasdk 1.0.1 YData SDK ...
ydatasynthetic 2.0.0 Join us on YData Synthetic YData-Synthetic is an open-source package developed in 2020...
y debug tools KDebugTools # KDebugTools is a powerful library for debugging Flutter applications Chinese
Logging library for C applications
View colored diff with side by side and auto pager support
ydk The YANG Development Kit (YDK) is a Software Development Kit that provides API’s that...
ydkmodelscisconxos 9.3.1 This YANG Development Kit (YDK) bundle provides APIs for Cisco NX-OS YANG models. YDK facilitates...
ydkmodelsietf 0.1.6 This YANG Development Kit (YDK) bundle provides APIs for IETF YANG models. YDK facilitates the...
ydkmodelsopenconfig 0.1.9 This YANG Development Kit (YDK) bundle provides API for openconfig YANG models. YDK facilitates the...
ydkservicegnmi This package provides extension for YDK core - gNMI services.
A client in PHP
idc domain white sdk
xiaoshouyi crm etc..
Magento 2 module that integrates the Shöpping API for Xtento OrderExport.
Db toolbar for ZendDeveloperTools
RESTFul Web Framework
Database and other storage service adapter
yearn api dart A Dart library for querying the Yearn API. This is a comprehensive wrapper...
yeecli 0.2.0 yeecli is a command-line utility for controlling the YeeLight RGB LED lightbulb. It is...
yeedart Yeedart # Dart library for controlling Yeelight products over LAN....
This plugin does fuck all
A YeePHP application skeleton
Migrations for Yee CMS powered site internationalization
Yeet 0.1.20190331103506 Warg Old-Norse: Varg Devour everything.