abfexplorer 0.6 ABF Explorer ABF_Explorer is a simple graphical application for quickly viewing axon binary format...
abgleich 0.0.8 ABGLEICH SYNOPSIS abgleich is a simple ZFS sync tool. It displays source and...
abg utils TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
A library for interacting with web services (and building SOAs) at blinding speed.
A universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, Hotmail, and Plaxo.
abhi flutter alertdialog abhi_flutter_alertdialog # A new Flutter package. AlertDialog # This project deals...
A simple package to get the referer and utm parameters for a new user
The Authentication driver using token for Laravel Framework.
abhishek container1 #abhishek Containers abhishek container package lets you add a beautiful property container to your...
Provide generated HTML data for rails application.
Codenamed special-guide-1
Package to create job board quickly using laravel 5.3 with admin panel
package to add profile picture to laravel 5.2 Auth Scaffold
A drop in replacement for Ruby's memcache-client.
ReFacebook is a facebook library and Sinatra extension.
This is a jekyll theme built for AbiMusic.
abi2fastq 1.0.3 See https://github.com/olgabot/abi2fastq
abi2ruby - generate ready-to-use (blockchain) contract services / function calls for ethereum & co. via application binary inferfaces (abis)
abi2sol gem - command-line tool for application binary interface (abi) to solidity (contract) source code generation for Ethereum & Co.
abi2solc 0.1.0 abi2solc A library for generating Solidity interfaces from ABIs. Installation...
Scans Python packages for abi3 violations and inconsistencies
abi3audit 0.0.14 abi3audit Read our blog...
abi3info 2024.8.28 abi3info abi3info exposes information about CPython's "limited API" (including the
abibase - command line tool / helper to manage application binary interfaces (abis)
Tool for checking backward API/ABI compatibility of a C/C++ library
Abid is a simple Workflow Engine based on Rake.
Prints a nice lebascii text on screen
Provides functions that help with extracting out information from Hiera file.
Laravel 5 CRUD Generator
abidoc - application binary interface (abi) documentation generator for Ethereum & Co. (blockchain) contracts
abidump gem - command-line tool to dump / pretty print or (re)format application binary interfaces (abi) for Ethereum & Co.
ABIF file format reader/parse/plotter.
abiflows 0.6 The latest development version is always available from site <https://github.com/abinit/abiflows>
abigelow.cdkeventbridgepartnerprocessors 0.0.420 Eventbridge SaaS Partner fURLs This CDK...
"high-level" all-in-one umbrella quick starter gem for easy installation & usage application binary interface (abi) code or doc(umentation) gen(eration) for...
Authorization dsl to manage permissions in rails.
A very simple way to manage permissions. Works with any ORM.
Incorperate AB Testing into your rails apps
abiosgaming.py 0.3.1 UNKNOWN
abiquoapi 0.1.16 Abiquo API Python Client This is a Python client for the Abiquo...
abirdcflypyexample 0.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Admin CRUD generator using Laravel Jetstream, Inertiajs, Vue.js, Pagetables and Tailwindcss
Provides entity types and configuration for the photo gallery feature.
Callback argument resolver interface and implementations.
Abjad character number convertor
abkbwp 0.0.3 Bing Wallpaper (currently MacOS only) Downloads daily Bing images and sets them as desktop...
Ablab - A/B testing library
ablaevent flutter Ablaevent plugin # Usage # To use this plugin, add ablaevent_flutter as a...
The Ablaevent ruby library
Here you can find some concern methods you use almost in each one project.
Adds scripts in .git/hooks to call scripts in the root hooks directory
DiamanteDesk Automation Bundle
A Ruby client library for ably.io realtime messaging
ably flutter Ably Flutter Plugin # ...
A Ruby REST only client library for ably.io realtime messaging
Shared component library and design system for Ably Real-time Ltd (ably.com)
A Collection of useful PHP functions.
Provides a series of database commands for your Symfony application, one for the console and 5 capifony tasks.
descrizione di prova
a (very) small library for working with Australian Business Numbers.
Shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
An Augmented Backus Naur form parser in Ruby.
Quickly generate random documents that match an ABFN grammar
abnf-parser allows you to compile ABNF (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) into rule lists that can be used to efficiently parse text...
A Ruby library for implementing parsers specified with Augmented Backus Naur Form (ABNF).
Less shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
Abn Lookup.
Ruby A/B testing
abnosql 0.0.26 NoSQL Abstraction Library Basic CRUD and query support for NoSQL databases, allowing for portable...
A simple ABN search library for validating and obtaining ABN details from the Australian Business Register.
Rails validator for Australian Business Numbers
RUBY ABO banking format library
The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, and secure interface to Amazon EC2, EBS, S3,...
Ruby Wrapper to get NGN rates from abokifx.com
aboleth 0.9.0 A bare-bones TensorFlow framework for Bayesian deep learning and Gaussian process approximation [1] with