基于Dcat Admin的SKU扩展增强版
Calculates a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings
database like retriver on XML/HTML by XPATH for PHP 5.3+
A Ruby wrapper for the Abbyy Cloud OCR SDK API.
abc abc # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.
abcamera Custom amazing camera Features # Use camera to : Take a picture...
abc app abc_app # An app to interact with the alphabet written in Flutter. Web...
abcclassroom 0.1.9 Why ABC Classroom Many educators teaching data science are using GitHub Classroom as a...
The 'abc-csv' gem is a Ruby library that provides a simple and efficient way to generate CSV files. Its core...
abcddb2vcard 1.1.0 abcddb2vcard This python script reads an AddressBook database file (AddressBook-v22.abcddb) and export its content...
Better CD Encoder
Scraper for http://abc.net.au/atthemovies
Actually it's not. It's just a way of handling configuration.
A wrapper for the SiteUptime API
abcdrl 0.2.0a4 abcdRL (Implement a RL algorithm in four simple steps) English | 简体中文
A simple math operations gem
A convenient gem that will allow you to sort arrays and activerecord relations without needing to mess with set-months-ago database...
Json API serializer gem
Armed Bear Common Lisp: a full implementation of Common Lisp
abclient 0.2.3 abclient is a client library for EISOO AnyBackup APIs. abclient allows openstack-karbor to create...
Ruby class for logging to stdout, stderr, or a file.
AbCluster 1.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ABC music notation software
Converts abc music notation files to MIDI files
abc pay 中国农业银行支付 # 用于安卓、IOS APP 进行农行掌银支付 Android...
abcpy 0.6.3 ABCpy is a highly modular, scientific library for approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) written in Python....
abcradiowrapper 0.3.0 ABC Radio Wrapper API wrapper library...
The idea behind Ab Crunch is that basic performance metrics and standards should
be effortless, first-class citizens in the development...
abcryptpy 0.1.4 Python Bindings for abcrypt ...
Visualize ABC size
Collection some utilities for rubyer
abcxmlconverter 1.0.1 ABC-XML Converter Overview This repository provides two main functions for converting between ABC...
This is new gem
abd 0.0.3 abd - Abstract Base Decorator abd provides an AbstractBaseDecorator class which you can inherit...
Provides Doctrine types for mediagone/common-types package.
abdallah sdk abdallah_sdk # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
abdalnetpy 2.9 Abdal Net Py Made For Powerful security network package for hackers and all...
abdbeam 0.2.1 Abdbeam : composites cross section analysis A Python package for the cross section analysis...
abdttsslug 0.0.3 abdtts Sum of square Free...
Provides session management: i.e. separate programs from terminals
A wrapper to ease integration into Adumo (previously Wirecard / MyGate) webservices.
Provides an integration to use a WordPress blog with your SilverStripe Site
Fast Excel import/export for Laravel
integration between any magento2 system and Pocket-Up sytem
Abe 0.7.2 Abe reads the Bitcoin block chain from disk, loads it into a database, indexes...
abeattacks 1.0.1 abeattacks This python module contain the attacks against ABE schemes presented at Black...
A Ruby wrapper to the Abebooks SWS API
Abebooks is a service to buy and sell new and used books online. abebooks4r provides high level ruby interface for...
abeci 1.0.5 abeci Create perfect pangrams, sentences with exactly one of each letter in the English...
Twig function for Illuminate\Translation\Translator in Slim framework
more thorough implementation of == than in stdlib
Persist blogs and similar web content as sharable git repositories
test composer
A lib to manage a ByMySide sidebar
abelmokademawsapilib 0.2.3 A python library that exposes AWS services that are not covered by boto3, through the...
abelpytorch 0.0.1 How to decay your Learning Rate (PyTorch) PyTorch implementation of ABEL LRScheduler based on...
abeluna 1.1.3 Abeluna A simple GUI to-do/task manager with CalDAV support. In theory, Abeluna should support...
abemocks 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
A Ruby library for using the Abenity API. API details are online at https://abenity.com/developers/api/members
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
abeona 0.45.0 abeona v0.45.0 A simple transcriptome assembler based on kallisto and Cortex graphs. Abeona...
abepython 0.4.0 UNKNOWN
aber Features # Aber is a state management package that is very simple to use and...
inital gem
aberchat ABER CHAT # AberChat is a chat application that allows users to communicate with each...
Welcome to my first Ruby gem. In this game, players compete for the highest score by rolling a die and...
abess 0.4.8 Overview abess (Adaptive BEst Subset Selection) library aims to solve general best subset selection,...
Lenient and simple front matter parser, that only supports very simple cases.
Simple laravel package to validate input in Artisan console commands
A wrapper to set mountebank in php
The ab-experiments-rails is wrap for google ab experiments. Work with partials instead of javascript fighting.
abfallwirtschaftfulda 0.1.1 Python: Abfallwirtschaft Fulda