Terminus plugin for syncing Drupal site configuration
aaron-dev/xhprof-webman is a code performance analysis plugin that is compatible with webman. Mainly optimize and adjust the old and unusable...
Frex is a fork of Rex. Rex is a lexical scanner generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates...
Send Growl notifications via Ruby.
Ruby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
aarouting 0.2.2a0 Routing for Alliance Auth Routing is a pathfinding plugin for Alliance Auth. Features
aarsstodiscord 2.1.0 Alliance Auth RSS to Discord
aasecretsanta 0.3.0a0 AA Secret Santa A Secret Santa Manager for Alliance Auth Features
AASM is a continuation of the acts-as-state-machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby objects.
Rails extension to render appropriate workflow actions
ActiveFedora persistence adaptor for AASM
Ever wanted an aasm event with an extra bang? Well ... now you can!
Automatically generate diagrams of AASM state machines.
Fetches accounts and their transaction details from the Yodlee MoneyCenter (https://moneycenter.yodlee.com).
Generate Mermaid diagrams from AASM state machines
Progress indicators for linear AASM workflows
Generate UML-style state charts from AASM state machines
aasovtimer 2.1.0 AA Sovereignty Timer
aasquads Squads module for AllianceAuth. ...
aasrp 2.3.1 AA SRP ...
aasrppayouts 1.0.1 SRP-Payouts A simple SRP table plugin, that offers dynamic rows and columns to show...
aastandingsrequests 1.4.0 Standings Requests App for managing character standing requests, made for Alliance Auth.
aastandingssync 1.10.0 Standings Sync Alliance Auth app for cloning alliance standings and war targets to alts.
Gemified version of Carlton O'Riley's Aastra XML Ruby Port
aastripe 0.13.0 Stripe integration for Django-based projects This project’s target is to make the Stripe API...
aastructures 2.13.0 Structures App for managing Eve Online structures with Alliance Auth.
aastructures 2.14.1 Structures App for managing Eve Online structures with Alliance Auth.
aastructuretimers 1.8.0 Structure Timers II An app for keeping track of Eve Online structure timers with...
aataskmonitor 0.23.1 Task Monitor An Alliance Auth app for monitoring celery tasks.
aathemeconsole 1.6.0 Alliance Auth Theme: Console Alliance Auth...
aathemeslate 2.0.0 Alliance Auth Theme: Slate ...
aatimezones 2.1.0 AA Time Zones
aatkit flutter plugin aatkit_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
aatools 0.0.2 aatools Install You can install the package from Pypi using,...
aatop 0.3.0a0 AA "Top" System Utilization and AA Statistics plugin for Alliance Auth. Inspired by...
Symfony bundle for obfuscating/encryption routing params.
A script that wraps around youtube-dl to download private App Academy videos
Vkontakte authorization for authlogic with ruby 1.9 and rails 3.0
aav.upcominggames 0.1.0 upcoming-games Reddit bot to update sidebar for /r/IGN. Can be configured for a variety
aaxenforo2 1.0.7 AA-XenForo2 XenForo v2.x Service Module for Alliance Auth Contents Overview
Simple HTML table builder for laravel 5
Basic AB testing gem
A/B test data aggregator as a Sinatra web service
Claim Check enterprise integration pattern, implemented via AWS PHP SDK.
Compliments your sys-admins, in an effort to strengthen the developer-administrator bond.
Provides a simple abstraction to extract values, and sets of values, into an array.
Elfinder file manager integration with tinymce 4.x for cakephp 3.x
Ruby API to Abacos
Abacus is an xdxf parser and semantic toolset for Ruby.
ActiveRecord::Base#count and other calculations as subqueries. Instead of nice Rails grouping calculation feature, \
abacusicalc 0.2.3 Abacus Powerful interactive calculator made in Python using Python with Python support
A gem that helps creating project templates.
Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface
Used for generating ABA (Australian Banking Association) files.
Integration gem for test automatisation based on page-object
Simply exposes a login shell to a web browser. This is currently
nowhere near to production quality, so...
abalone 0.1 UNKNOWN
abaloneboai 1.0.0 Abalone BoAI This is a Python implementation of...
A/B test analysis library for Ruby
Arquiva movimentos conta-corrente, conta-cartao do activobank no bigquery. Permite apagar/recriar movimentos/rendas ja no bigquery. Permite ainda classificar movimentos no bigquery.
Get a list of Federal Reserve E-Payments Routing Directory
yunxin sdk for php
aba pos sdk flutter ABA POS SDK - Flutter # Enable your Flutter app to connect...
abatools 1.0.0 Android Boot Animation Tools Simple command line utility for working with Android Boot Animations
Bayesian A/B Testing
Agile Toolkit with Microsoft Teams
Belajar PHP dari dasar disertai dengan bootstrap dan jQuery
Adcell tracking integration for oxid eshop
Primitive JSON data store. Key-value structure with namespaces.
A Laravel Package for Paystack
A Laravel 5 Package for Flutterwave Rave
For more detail please visit https://github.com/abbish/abbish_sequel_plugins
ab ble gateway