nanoid nanoid # Dart implementation of ai/nanoid Installation # Add...
device information Device Information # A flutter plugin to get device information such as device IMEI...
scroll snap list scroll_snap_list # A wrapper for ListView.builder widget that allows "snaping" event to an...
detectable text field detectable_text_field # Text widgets with...
pdf viewer plugin Pdf Viewer Plugin # A Flutter plugin for IOS and Android...
awesome card Awesome Card A flutter package to create a Credit Card widget in your application.
dynamic height grid view dynamic_height_grid_view # GridView with dynamic height. No need to use...
cli pkg Dart CLI Packager # This package provides a set of Grinder tasks that make...
golden toolkit Golden Toolkit # This project contains APIs and utilities that build upon...
feedback A Flutter package for obtaining better feedback. It allows the user to provide interactive feedback...
easy mask Easy Mask # Easy way to apply a mask to Flutter's TextFields and on...
fraction A package that helps you work with fractions and mixed fractions. ...
flutter uxcam flutter_uxcam # UXCam plugin for Flutter. Installation # Open the pubspec.yaml file...
flutter floating bottom bar Floating Bottom Bar A flutter package which allows to show a floating...
image network 🌐 Image Network # Image Network is a...
drag and drop lists drag_and_drop_lists # Two-level drag and drop reorderable lists. Features #...
page view dot indicator Page view dot indicator # This lib draws a simple...
shared preferences windows shared_preferences_windows # The Windows implementation of shared_preferences. Usage # This package...
flutter verification code flutter_verification_code # A Flutter package that help you create...
new version New Version Plugin 🎉 # A Flutter plugin that makes it possible to:...
queue queue # Easily queue futures and await their values. This library allows...
flutter rating stars Flutter Rating Stars # A Flutter package to create Rating Stars bar. It...
wifi scan | wifi_scan ...
blue thermal printer blue_thermal_printer # A new Flutter plugin for connecting to...
flutter braintree Braintree for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that wraps the native Braintree SDKs....