string similarity string-similarity # Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which...
flutter fortune wheel Flutter Fortune Wheel # This Flutter package includes wheel of fortune widgets, which...
image pickers image_pickers # image_pickers支持本地图片多选,本地视频多选,支持将网络图片保存到相册,支持截图保存到相册,支持将网络视频保存到相册,支持预览视频和预览图片功能,支持主题颜色设置 image pickers support multi-selection of local pictures, multi-selection of local...
mapbox search About # Note: Breaking Changes in 4.x.x # PlaceSearch and ReverseGeoCoding...
flutter keychain flutter_keychain # A Flutter plugin for supporting secure storage of strings via Keychain and...
webview windows webview_windows # A Flutter WebView plugin for Windows built on...
fancy shimmer image Introduction # Package created for the purpose of uploading images from the internet,...
giphy get giphy_get # Overview # This...
zxing2 zxing-dart # ZXing ("zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library....
flutter overlay loader flutter_overlay_loader # A simple Flutter package for managing loader when fetching remote...
lint Lint for Dart/Flutter # lint is a hand-picked, open-source,...
flutter esc pos utils esc_pos_utils # Base Flutter/Dart classes for ESC/POS printing. Generator class generates ESC/POS...
blurhash dart BlurHash Dart # A pure dart implementation of BlurHash. Supports both encoding and decoding....
responsive grid responsive_grid # Responsive Grid Layout, List and many Utilities for Flutter, to...
super clipboard Clipboard access for Flutter # Features # Comprehensive clipboard functionality for...
syncfusion flutter datagrid export Flutter DataGrid Export Library # Syncfusion's Flutter DataGrid export library is used...
latlng Geodesy and Geographical calculations for Dart. Provides LatLong and Mercator projection (EPSG4326). Getting Started #
document file save plus document_file_save_plus # Save bytes data into Download folder (Android), or show save...
animated snack bar AnimatedSnackBar # A Flutter package to show beautiful animated snackbars directly using overlay.
action slider If you like this package, please leave a like there on and star on...
blurrycontainer blurrycontainer # Introduction # A Flutter...
markdown widget Language:简体中文 | English 📖markdown_widget # A simple and easy-to-use...
label marker A package to create and use Google Maps marker with label text; the easiest and...
video trimmer A Flutter package for trimming videos Features # Customizable video trimmer.
d chart d_chart # Simple way to show and use chart for Flutter with many option.