Install this gem to use Sybase SQLAnywhere with JRuby on Rails
Postgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
activerecord-jdbc-plsql provide a Ruby wrapper to use PL/SQL with Active Record and JDBC
Hotfix nested eager loading for polymorphic and STI relation in ActiveRecord
ActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes with a JSON schema.
Instead of a many-to-many join table, serialize the ids into a JSON array.
A gem to track changes on active record models
It provides a simple method to make SQL execution lazy.
Build json
Importing records from a json file go slow?. No problem, use me. It uses the awesome activerecord-import gem. Documentation and...
This gem extends `ActiveRecord::Relation#explain` to make it possible to get EXPLAIN in JSON format.
MS_SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
HSQLDB JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
H2 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use DBF with JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use Cassandra with JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use AS/400 with JRuby on Rails.
requires IBRuby
ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter
Manage ActiveRecord model instantly.