With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, interests, and awards. It also provides...
With ActsAsTaggableOnDynamic, you can tag a single model on several contexts based on the ActsAsTaggableOn gem. This gem extends rails...
With ActsAsTaggableHstore, you can tag a single model that uses postgres hstore type
Simple tagging gem for Rails using postgres array.
Rails 3 plugin that is based on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids by jviney that is based on acts_as_taggable by DHH.
An acts-as Mixin for easy applying and searching tags/folksnomies on Active Record objects
ActsAsTable extension for parsing/serializing CSV data.
Adds a class method called sweep to ActiveRecord - used to remove old elements
A simple word suggestion
With ActsAsSubscription, you can hook your model into several subscription services, such as CheddarGetter.
acts_as_subscribable is a loose wrapper around ActiveRecord to allow a basic user subscription model.
create a url-friendly stub based on an activerecord column for your models
ActiveRecord Extension to strip whitespace from attributes before saving values
Easy way to define AR attributes that should be stripped before save
Plugin to remove spaces on fields
acts_as_statused was developed by: markbates
Given a list of datetime _at attributes allow an activerecord object to query status, change status and hold multiple states,...
Rails StatusBar with ActiveRecord integration, permits dynamic custom output from your model