acts_as_starable is a gem that allows a model to act as a starer of other models or one that can...
a simple gem to stamp created_by and updated_by attributes withe current user's login
Create virtual attributes.
ActiveRecord model w/ a start_date and an end_date == ActsAsSpan
Allows the RRN to perform garbage collection on categories that are no longer referenced.
Easy way to make sortable models in ActiveRecord
This gem adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache Solr to any Rails model.
acts_as_social is a gem that provides basic social features, like view and controller helpers and models
Makes your Active Record models behave like content on Snapchat.
A little slug helper.
Create a slug for mongoid documents
Originally a Rails 2 plugin, this Gem ports that functionality to newer Rails versions.
It just makes sense to store mutable, site-wide, admin-level settings in the database. Right? A key-value table may be more...
Took acts_as_translatable and stripped it down
This "acts_as" extension is a clone of the well known acts_as_list, only it avoids triggering active record callbacks.
Simple Shopping Cart implementation
#execute! executes column's content as shellscript
This ActiveRecord extension provides the capability to define or map attributes in your ActiveRecord models that can be easily represented...
Let subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base to be shardable.
A gem with a mixin to let you turn a class into something that runs like a service,
which you...
Easy versioning of serialization methods
Emulates sequence in MySQL database. Useful when you want your newly created object to have unique id value.
Description of ActsAsSeoFriendly.