Simple recaptcha plugin which allows to add reCAPTCHA validations to your forms
Gem for add realtime functionality for ruby on rails apps, it use em-websocket gem sor use websockets and channels
acts_as_readonlyable allows to add read-only slaves DBs to models
Allows records to be marked as readable. Optimized for bulk, 'mark all as read' operations
A way to read localised data in Active Record models
Emoji reactions for rails
Gem version of acts_as_rdf Rails plugin
Flexible, configurable, and easy to use with the defaults. Supports 3 different ways to manage rating statistics.
Acts_as_rateable is a rails plugin providing a rating interface for ActiveRecord models.
Orders ActiveRecord items by floating ranks for spaces in-between items. Influenced by gem ActsAsList. The floating rank allows inserting items...
Random ID generator
Gem allowing ActiveRecord models to have randomly generated primary keys - not autoincremented
This is a wrapper that enables you to write your generator using the Rails 3 syntax but still support Rails...
ActsAsRailable gem provides extended methods for rails.
Allows you to turn your ActiveRecord models into queues.
Check the home page for more in-depth information.
Check all the actions for all the controller of a Rails Application
Acts as published beahviour for active record models.
Rails gem that adds functionality to make Active Record models publishable
This gem will give you only two scopes and a method for handling
published/unpublished stuff. Nothing remarkable bur saved me...
ActsAsProtocolable is the easiest way to protocol user activity inside your Rails admin interface.
Simple Rails plugin to restrict system access to authorized users.