Preferences for Rails
This gem allows you to have ordered models. It is like the old acts_as_list, but very lightweight and with an...
Library for the positioning of objects in ActiveRecord.
A ruby gem for making polymorphism in controllers easier to handle. This alleviates the need for if/case statements to handle...
Description of ActsAsPluggable.
Use this gem to create calendar events from Ruby objects. It fully complies with RFC5545 and other associated RFCs.
Rails gem allowing ActiveRecord models have always one element picked (selected).
Simple Rails plugin to assign a list of permissions on a resource.
A Rails plugin to genrate, validates permalink automatically.
Because most percentages only need to be accurate to two decimals, this gem has you store them as basis points...
Description of ActsAsPdf.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
acts_as_partitionable allows one to use multiple DBs to partition data for models
Combines `acts-as-dag` and `rails3_acts_as_dag` to order model instances in a polymorphic directed acyclic graph and to be able to retrieve...
Active Record (~>3.2) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them. Check its GitHub page...
Check the home page for more in-depth information.
Acts as a Parameter Object cf. Refactoring: Ruby Edition
acts as param
Filter records by passing params to a controller. No need to modify the model anymore.
simple gem which include globalize and frienly id
acts_as_pack_rat was developed by: markbates
Simple Rails plugin that allows to operate freely on objects which belong to us.
DRYing Our Cities projects by wrapping common behaviours