Acts As OQGraph allows ActiveRecord models to use the fast and powerful OQGraph engine for MYSQL.
ActiveRecord extension that turns your models into graph objects. Includes helper methods for adding tags and the Like Button to...
Rails plugin that enables your models to access OAuth services
Rails gem that provides Net Promoter Score (NPS) ratings and analysis for ActiveRecord models. It can be used as a...
acts_as_notifier is an add-on for ActiveRecord models used to notify users of new and updated records
via ActionMailer...
A Ruby gem who provides a small DSL to register Pusher channels and events in Redmine
This gem creates notifiable objects, and allows objects to be set as read
It allows to handle JSON and JSONB fields as if they are proper database columns, handling default values, type casting...
acts_as_normalized lets you fetch records from the database with far fewer return trips than an :includes.
This Ruby on Rails acts_as extension provides the capabilities for creating a nice url based on an attribute of the...
Allows to send a models content as a batch e-mail to a list
Simplify the definition and storage of "network" relationships, especially useful for social networks.
The acts_as_nested_by class method add 3 instance methods to the model.
nested_by_nesting_model=(flag) sets the nesting_model
Do not use me unless you are not you but somebody else.
Multipart forms using custom routes
Store multilingual columns in JSON
An ActiveRecord plugin for multi-tenant databases
ActsAsMoonable gem provides extended methods for rails.
Monitor model via private methods warn_*? and error_*?
A ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo
DRYing Minhas Cidades projects by wrapping common behaviours
Make cache methods on ActiveRecord easy!