This gem allows to add additional database-stored fields to your models
Meta tags from polymorphic model.
Standard facebook-style messaging system. Not bound to any friendship structure. Integrates directly into your User model. Allows for users to...
Handles Message sending between ActiveRecord instances
With ActsAsMentionable you can mention a different models in different contents.
Represent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, Wiki text, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile Wikitext, RDoc objects using various external libraries to convert...
Represent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile, RDoc objects using various external libraries to convert to HTML.
Represent ActiveRecord markdown text columns as Markdown objects using various external libraries to convert to HTML.
Uses the closure tree pattern with a scope field to maintain separate hierarchies
Barebones acts_as_list
This plugin allows for extensible models, where inter-model relations are inferred from the database's structure, and not necessarily from explicit...
Create and display activity feeds easily
A ruby gem to atomically lock resources to prevent concurrent/multiple lockers from accessing or editing the resource
This gem built to allowing records to be lockable. It's lock your records and let'em untouched.
Set ActiveRecord field values or retrieve them based on the I18n current locale or by manually specifying
An ActiveRecord plugin that assists in acts_as_living stage progressions.
Super Complex Layouts in Rails with single Configuration file
This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The class that...
Expects ActiveRecord models to call
acts_as_linkable :name => :link_name_method, :title => :link_title
ActsAsLink provides: verification if a link is broken; verification if a link is to an image; shortening links with