Add like feature to any Active Record models
ActsAsLearnable is a Ruby gem for ActiveRecord models. It provides a simple way to create flashcards in your app. It...
This acts_as extension implements a system label and a friendly label on a class and centralizes the logic for performing...
Hierarchical ActiveRecord models. Inspired by acts_as_tree. Trees are shady.
A simple plugin that automatically generates a key for a model on create. It takes care of protecting the key,...
Plug-in uses for tracking and recording changes of attributes in model
Adds access control to objects by giving them members, each with configurable permissions.
A gem to ease development by making Ruby behave more like Javascript
Create virtual mutable columns on activerecord models.
Rendering business objects in ISDOC format
Description of ActsAsInterval.
Easily define abstract methods and callbacks for superclasses and modules
Use an integer field with Infinity.
Use that field as normal, increment, decrement, compare, etc. with the
A helper to wrap an ActiveRecord attribute with ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.
Using PostgreSQL table inheritance with Rails
Auto-generate unique identifier value for Active Record
ActsAsIcontact connects Ruby applications with the iContact e-mail marketing service using the iContact API v2.0. Building on the RestClient gem,...
Easy way to display people's names
Rails plugin to handle first_name, middle_names and last_name combinations.
Sanitizes your ActiveRecord attributes.