This gem makes it easy to authenticate a user by email and password
Add push tokens to model
Easy installation and helpers for using active storage for an avatar
ActiveRecord plugin for historical data (stock prices, pageviews, etc).
Makes a model accept and expose a seemingly random string id
Injects Hoff-based magic into your Rails application.
A sortable and searchable list backed by Redis. You can use it as a quick actionable workflow queue which you...
Use Youtube-Like ID in ActiveRecord seamlessly.
acts_as_gravatar provide simple access to gravatar from ActiveRecord.Can interoperate with devise, etc..
A C based TokyoTyrant Ruby binding
Rails gem to allowing models to be events for full calendar
Generate ActiveRecord models on the fly for your tests
ActsAsFriendable provides a Friendship model, relevent scopes, and many instance methods to quickly and easily add Social Networking functionality to...
Save processed version of a text in the database.
Rails gem to allowing records to leave footprints
acts_as_follower is a Rubygem to allow any model to follow any other model. This is accomplished through a double polymorphic...
Implements the following functionality where one model can be followed by other models and and vice versa.
acts_as_flexigrid is ActiveRecord plugin for Flexigrid
Make ActiveRecord Attributes to act as flags
This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for beautiful record finding by specified column(s).
Filter attributes and stuff.
Make your field act as a file. Save the content to a file, and load the content from a file.
Rails plugin that adds powerful full text search capabilities to ActiveRecord models.