A ruby gem inspired by a talk from Sandi Metz (https://youtu.be/9lv2lBq6x4A) and Yehuda Katz blogpost (http://yehudakatz.com/2009/10/04/emulating-smalltalks-conditionals-in-ruby/) for better conditions' flow.
ActiveRecord objects with a customizable persistence strategy.
Mark some validations as warnings and let them be easily skipped
Typecast your active record attributes to symbols.
Use lazy translations from models
ActiveMongoid facilitates usage of both ActiveRecord and Mongoid in a single app by providing an inteface for inter-ORM relations.
ActiveRecord model inheritance support by module.
Validate that your Active Record models comply with legal policies, verified by AI.
Adds state tracking and a few extra snappy save and destroy methods to your model API
Simple session model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model
This is useful when you want to define optional validations for a resource and keep it valid.
Add more validators for your ActiveModel models.
An ActiveModel extension for more expressive validations reflection
Additional validations for Active Model
A custom validation for your Active Model that check if an array is included in another one
ActiveModel validators that validate the type of attributes, and that do recursive validation of contained objects parallel to ActiveRecord's validates_associated.
Standardize service calls
Vue Tables adapter for ActiveModel::Serializer
Provides a Logger::LogDevice that can save Ruby Logger messages to an array in your model
Build a hash based on active record attributes.
Simple password reset model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model