Adds scripts in .git/hooks to call scripts in the root hooks directory
Here you can find some concern methods you use almost in each one project.
The Ablaevent ruby library
Ablab - A/B testing library
Abjad character number convertor
descrizione di prova
Wrangle unweildy app/models directories by unobtrusively adding the aggregate pattern into ActiveRecord
Easily filter, sort, and paginate enumerable sets.
A Ruby Gem for interacting with RDF/OWL stored in the AllegroGraph Triple Store via Seasame 2 HTTP protocol. Go to...
This gem is created to cater the projects which do not require a backend/database,
but still need all the...
ORM agnostic full text search
ActiveShard is a library that implements flexible sharding in ActiveRecord and Rails.
ActiveSettings provides an open and ad-hoc settings config for globally-accessible variables via ActiveRecord in your rails 3.1+ app.
See README for full details on how to install, use, etc.
Tracks the number of active objects during a certain time period in a Redis sorted set.
ActiveModel session
This gem will provide a mapping functionality (like automapping service layer to the model) for projects which deal with services-...
ActiveService is a Rails extension that aims at creating reusable, transactional services in your application to make your code more...
Provide a very simple way to transform ActiveRecord data into Hash output.
ActiveSeed Gives the ability to seed data by inserting it via activerecord. Also allows you to manage sets of data...
Disallow insecure, unscoped, finds
ActiveSearch will allow any model to be 'searched for' in a text field given the 'searchable_by' attribute